Citing indirect sources: MLA (9th ed.) citation guide
If you quote an author’s quotation of a source you did not personally consult, put the abbreviation qtd. in (for "quoted in") before the source you cite in your parenthetical citation (284). If the sources involved have multiple authors, follow the rules for in …
MLA In-text Citations | A Complete Guide (9th Edition) - Scribbr
2019年7月9日 · Use the abbreviation “qtd. in” (short for “quoted in”) to indicate where you found the quotation. Example of an indirect citation in MLA Marx defines “the two primary creators of wealth” as “labour-power and the land” (qtd. in Luxemburg, ch. 26). In these cases, only the source you accessed directly is included in the Works ...
MLA Citation Guide (MLA 9th Edition): In-Text Citation
Add the words "qtd. in" to your in-text citation. Examples of in-text citations: According to a study by Smith (qtd. in Kirkey) 42% of doctors would refuse to perform legal euthanasia. Smith (qtd. in Kirkey) states that “even if euthanasia was legal, 42% of doctors would be against this method of assisted dying” (A.10).
MLA Citation Guide (9th Edition): Works Quoted in Another Source
2025年2月28日 · For the in-text citation you cite Sorensen and van Dyk and add the words “qtd. in” at the beginning of your in-text citation. Examples of in-text citations: Joseph advises non-Indigenous businesses to prioritize the cultural needs of the Indigenous groups with whom they work (qtd. in Sorensen and van Dyk 54).
MLA Style Guide: 8th Edition: Indirect Quote - Western Oregon …
2024年10月21日 · If you do use an indirect source in your paper, name the original source in your text and include the indirect source in your parenthetical citation. If what you quote or paraphrase from the indirect source is itself a quotation, put the abbreviation ‘qtd. in’ (“quoted in”) before the indirect source in the parenthetical citation.
Can I cite a source quoted in another source in MLA? - Scribbr
MLA recommends citing the original source wherever possible, rather than the source in which it is quoted or reproduced. If this isn’t possible, cite the secondary source and use “qtd. in” (quoted in) in your MLA in-text citation. For example: (qtd. in Smith 233)
MLA Citation Guide (MLA 9th Edition): Works Quoted in Another …
2024年3月13日 · The basic rule is that you would cite the source you are using in both your Works Cited list and in-text citation. Using the example, you would cite the work by Kirkey and not Smith. To help identify that the quote or paraphrase is from another author's work, you will add the words "qtd. in" to your in-text citation.
Research guides: MLA Style (8th/9th Ed.): Citing Indirect Sources
2025年2月20日 · If what you quote or paraphrase is itself a quotation, put the abbreviation qtd. in ("quoted in") before the indirect source you cite in your parenthetical reference. (You may wish to clarify the relation between the original and secondhand sources in a note.)" (MLA Handbook, 8th ed. p. 124) Example:
Indirect Sources | MLA In-Text Citations - Excelsior OWL
If you need to use indirect quotations, use “qtd. in” to indicate the source consulted. If it is clear in the text that the source is secondhand, “qtd. in” is not needed within the citation.
When a Work Is Quoted in Another Source - MLA Citation Guide …
2024年1月8日 · If you can't/don't access the original source, the basic rule is that in both your References list and in-text citation you will cite the source in which it is quoted (in this case, Kirkey). Do not list the original source if you have not read it. You will add the words “qtd. in” to your in-text citation. Examples below.