Home - QTS
QTS can help supply chain and logistics personnel manage their fleets efficiently and cost effectively today... Maximize the value from your rail transportation dollar, reduce waste from duplicated payments, late payment penalties...
QTS Group - Leading the way
We are one of the country’s leading railway contractors providing specialist services in a variety of disciplines. With UK-wide reach we’re able to provide efficient, high-quality work no matter the remit.
Quality Transportation Services, Inc. | LinkedIn
Quality Transportation Services is a modern Rail Logistics Company providing expert professional services and state of the art software applications that allow industry leaders to effectively...
Tracking & Fleet Manager - QTS - qtsrail.com
Rail Shipment Details - Users have the ability to view details of a rail shipment with one click of the mouse. Search Option - This allows user to search for a shipment either by railcar or by order numbers. Users may select from a number of pre-programmed reports.
Fleet Manager - QTS
Car specific database - easily updated database which includes both standard fields i.e. paint dates, lining dates, car capacities, unload/load instructions; and customer free form fields. Reporting capabilities - All data fields are Ad-Hoc report accessible. Additionally, all reports can be exported to Excel.
About Us - QTS
QTS is the leader in innovative third-party rail expertise with an ever-growing team of experienced transportation professionals serving a diverse group of customers in traditionally rail-served industries throughout North America.
Proactive Tracking Management - QTS
Whether you manage a large fleet of owned and leased railcars or you rely on inbound materials from shipper equipment, having constant visibility on your rail traffic is vital to your business. The objective of QTS Proactive Tracking Services is to provide customers with that visibility and to increase the probability that shipments arrive by ...
SmartRail Web - QTS
SmartRail ® Web is QTS' latest upgrade of our web based North American railcar tracking tool. QTS led the industry with web based tools and is working hard to stay at the forefront of meeting our customers' needs.
REL marks three years of QTS ownership with new business wins
2024年9月24日 · QTS’ acquisition of REL in the summer of 2021 has seen REL transform from a specialist Tier 2 subcontractor into one of the leading OLE tier contractors for Network Rail and light rail sector, resulting in significant growth and diversification across its workforce to better serve the rail industry.
QTS Group - Global Railway Review
2024年6月14日 · QTS Group empowers future rail experts at industry event. 30 May 2024 | By Emily Budgen. QTS Group, the national rail contractor, ran their first futures sessions at their HQ in South Lanarkshire, working with rail experts.