HP’s Vintage Test: Quad 44 - Adventures in Hifi Audio
The Quad 44 in 1984 was £339 whereas a fully configured Meridian pre was considerably more and the Mark Levinson ML7a with L3 MC input (surely THE preamp of all time, sonically at least) was £4,000.86. And then, a complication. QUAD quietly and without fuss brought out a Mk2. Except they didn’t call it that.
HIFIDIY论坛-QUAD44_复刻其实很简单 - Powered by Discuz!
2014年7月9日 · 话说quad405做了有几年了吧,也就是刚做的时候听过,基本按原机大小和结构做的机箱,320mm宽吧,所以配标准宽度的前级怎么都看不顺眼,用莱曼耳放做前级用了几天,就闲置下来了。于是开始收集了一些QUAD33、44之类的资料,一拖就几年了。
Quad 44 Preamplifiers user reviews : 4.8 out of 5 - 13 reviews ...
Both my dad and the salesman agreed that Quad 44 sounded a LOT better than all the venerable Audio Research preamplifiers (It's also a whole lot cheaper). We ended up purchasing the Aragon 4004. The 405-II is a great power-amp, but realistically, the Aragon 4004 is just in a completely different league.
- 评论数: 13
Used Quad 44 Control amplifiers for Sale | HifiShark.com
Beautiful Quad 44 vintage preamp featuring renowned tonal balance controls to bring the most out of vinyl and CD performance. Fully functional and in lovely condition. A lovely Quad 303 power amplifier to go with this is advertised elsewhere on adverts. ADVERTS.ie €325 Jan 25, 2025
HIFIDIY论坛-Quad 44维修过程分享(同步更新) - Powered by Discuz!
2018年4月4日 · HIFIDIY论坛-很久没有发维修类的帖子了。昨天收到一台委托维修的Quad44。目测这台机器保养得不错,成色很新。对维修这样的机器兴趣倍增。 先上几幅此机器的外观图片,维修过程后 ...
Vintage Quad 44 Mk2 // Solid-State Preamplifier / Grey
The Quad 44 has five inputs, Disc, Tape 1 and 2, Radio and Auxiliary, which will terminate correctly virtually every applicable programme source available now and in the foreseeable future. All five inputs are interchangeable, so that any combination of inputs can be obtained, and options such as moving coil pickup, or microphone inputs can be ...
Quad 44 - diyAudio
2008年10月23日 · As you know the Quad 44 has three output options to the power amp; 0.5v, 1.6v and 5v, and I personally suspect that the problem he is experiencing is to do with this. When I used the 44 it was connected to the 405-2 and worked perfectly in all the time I owned it, he is trying to use it with the Quad 606, but I cannot assist him as I have never ...
QUAD 44の仕様 クォード - オーディオの足跡
モジュール構成を採用したコントロールアンプ。 quad44は全ての入出力端子がモジュール化されており、必要に応じて ...
Quad 44 5 Input Pre Amplifier Manual - HiFi Engine
The Quad 44 has five inputs, Disc, Tape 1 and 2, Radio and Auxiliary, which will terminate correctly virtually every applicable programme source available now and in the foreseeable future. All five inputs are interchangeable, so that any combination of inputs can be obtained, and options such as moving coil pickup, or microphone inputs can be ...
- 评论数: 1
- [PDF]
The Quad 44 retains all the beneficial characteristics Of its predecessors, the Quad 33 and Quad 22,whiIe incorporating a number of significant and worthwhile improvements in both performance and ergonomics. INSTALLATION The Quad 44 is designed to be used either free standing or installed in a cabinet. While not unduly sensitive to induced