Quad 909 review - What Hi-Fi?
2003年9月13日 · The Quad 909 may be relatively small, especially by the standard's of some of its rivals, but play anything large-scale – say, Stravinsky's Rite of Spring – and this dynamic amplifier will take a firm grip of the partnering speakers and …
喇叭難推?找Quad就對了-Quad 99前級/Quad 909後級 - U …
909後級輸出功率140瓦,略低於Luna 6大約10瓦,但價格卻便宜很多,但在驅動喇叭的力道上,一點也不輸給Luna 6。 重新接線過後,以適當的音量播放米良美一的「乘著歌聲的翅膀」,管風琴的低頻能量,在2805上面柔軟而厚實地鋪陳,果然自家產品還是有匹配過,即使Luna 6比起99/909還要昂貴,但是驅動2805起來,幾乎要打成平手,我還真為Luna 6捏把冷汗。 幾張熟悉的唱片反覆聆聽比較,在音質的純度上,Luna 6還是略勝一籌,但是以驅動力的表現,99/909的 …
Quad 909 Stereo Power Amplifier Manual - HiFi Engine
The Quad 909 is a two channel power amplifier using current dumping technology. It weighs approximately 12kg and is built to be robust. The performance of the 909 amplifier is as accurate as it is possible to achieve by careful design, selection of …
- 评论数: 2
Quad 909 Amplifiers user reviews : 5 out of 5 - audioreview.com
Quad 909, a powerful power amplifier at 130wx2 (8ohm) to drive my KEF 103/4, gives me exactly what I want to hear in replaying orchestral, instrumental and jazz music, the sound itself is naturally balanced without edgy treble nor punchy bass, the midrange is particularly captivating and first-rate with precise imaging and transparency, bass is ...
- 评论数: 5
Quad 909的魅力 - 音响贵族网(www.gzhifi.com)
Quad 909继续沿用其厂方独家专利和获奖无数的“Current Dumping"(电流倾注)线路设计,即小功率时为A类,大功率时为B类,两种截然不同的工作模式相互协调运作,既可以控制喇叭重播的品质,同时也可以有强大力度去推动喇叭。
Quad 99 Series Preamplifier and 909 Stereo Power Amplifier …
Despite its diminutive size, the 99 Series preamp is a true full-featured control unit that will accept four line level inputs (including tape recording with monitoring), each with separately adjustable sensitivity, plus Quad’s proprietary Quadlink bus for Quad CD players and FM tuner (appropriate cables are supplied); it has an excellent ...
Quad 909 - Underwood HiFi
The Quad 909 power amplifier is a wonderful 140wpc power amp (250 watts into 4 ohms), with a midrange unsurpassed in its price range which The Abso!ute Sound review compares to $4000 tube amps. The 909 uses a unique technology called current dumping which has a very high-quality but small class A amplifier driving a high-current efficient class ...
Quad 909 Review - VintageSonics
Quad’s 909 is known for its fuss-free performance, robust power, and equal tonal balance. It’s not as much fun as a Naim power amp from the same era, but it does have a certain even-handedness that the latter lacks. It stays out of the way and gets on with the job in a courteous and genteel manner.
Quad 909 Review? - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2021年12月26日 · Would like seeing Amir’s testing of Quad 909 “current dumping” based power amplifier (140w @ 8ohm) … Quad has Artera version (new model) but it is basically same feed-forward design (patented waaaay before THX released their …
Used Quad 909 Stereo power amplifiers for Sale | HifiShark.com
2025年3月15日 · Used Quad 909 Stereo power amplifiers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability