Quad 99 review - What Hi-Fi?
2003年9月13日 · If you use non-Quad 99 series units you'll need to connect through the auxiliary inputs. Some of the icons shown on the 99 preamp's display aren't easily understood, either, and its buttons feel imprecise. Despite these shortcomings, this Quad preamp is still one of the best at this price. Its even-handed nature and high levels of insight make ...
喇叭難推?找Quad就對了-Quad 99前級/Quad 909後級 - U …
或許是Quad的後級太過出名,我對於Quad前級的印象並不深刻。這部99前級外表精巧,箱體採用鋁鑄成型,加工質感不錯,衡量價位,已經有「超值」的好感。 長相精巧可愛的99前級,輸入端子非常齊全,三組RCA和Tape輸入,已經很夠用,但原廠還配備了「Quad Link ...
Quad 99 Series Preamplifier and 909 Stereo Power Amplifier …
Quad 99 Series Preamplifier Inputs: Three aux, one tape, one phono (mm/mc selectable), plus Quadlink bus for Quad CD players and FM tuner Frequency response: 10Hz–20kHz +0dB/-0.03dB Dimensions: 2.75” x 12.63” 12.2” Price: $1100 silver or black, $1200 Classic. Quad 909 Stereo Amplifier Frequency response: 13Hz–40kHz +0dB/ 1dB
The Quad 99 Preamplifier and 909 Amplifier - Stereo Times
2002年8月16日 · It is clear that the Quad 99 and 909 offer a terrific synergy, but it is still difficult to pin down which one is the better value. The 99 preamp is overall more neutral, and at $1000, is quite a bargain in that it does so little wrong by just plain getting the music right.
英國 QUAD 99 立體聲後級擴大機 – 越點專業音響
Quad Power Amplifier一直是世界上最出色的擴大機,多年以來有著〝straight wires with gain〞的美譽,因為它不會在原有的音樂訊號上,添加或喪失任何一個訊號;99 Power Amplifier維持了這個優良傳統,它採用相互饋償式設計,加上非常穩定的效率,已達到1 CH 80 W的功率。
Quad 99 Preamplifiers user reviews : 4.9 out of 5 - 11 reviews ...
Quad 99 Preamplifiers . DESCRIPTION pre-amplifier control unit with phono MM,MC and remote. USER REVIEWS . Next 10. Showing 1-10 of 11 [Feb 18, 2025] cecelia. Strength: The preamp is remotely controlled with a large fluorescent green digital readout of source and volume. The remote covers all of the 99's functions, but it is covered in rows of ...
- 评论数: 11
The Quad 99 FM Tuner has been designed to make the best use of that potential. The UK has gained a world-wide reputation for the high-quality music broadcasts transmitted by the BBC, and as a result British manufacturers such as Quad have considerable experience in designing tuners that receive and reproduce music realistically. The Quad 99 FM ...
喇叭难推?找Quad就对了-Quad 99前级/Quad 909后级 - 6hifi.cn
2016年7月11日 · 创立半世纪以上,Quad写下了辉煌的历史,尤其是Quad ESL几乎等于静电喇叭的代名词。但是静电喇叭难推,从来都不是秘密,才刚评论过最新款的Quad 2805静电喇叭,虽然尝试过许多扩大机,但是没有搭配Quad自家的前后级,总是觉得少了什么,于是借来99前级与909后级,一探Quad的完整面貌。
Quad 99 Pre Stereo Preamplifier Manual - HiFi Engine
The 99 Pre-Amplifier offers the highest possible performance combined with all the facilities which the serious audiophile needs. It can be used with any of the 99 series of amplifiers or any other suitable amplifier. It can be operated either from the push buttons on the front panel or the 99 series remote control.
- 评论数: 1
Quad Model 99 Preamplifier - Reverb
QUAD 99 PreampOriginal owner, oem box/packing, 99 full series manual, cables. From a non smoke/pet/kid environment. All works normally & as new. Excellent features by remote control, MM/MC phono, set variable sensitivities at each input, adjust Quad tone …
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