Are different meanings of quam and -quam related?
2023年6月3日 · quam (interrogative or relative adv.) how quam (conj.) than Are those meaings of quam related to or originated from each other? -quam is also used in forming other words: quisquam, quicquam (indef. pron.) someone, something; anyone, anything quisquam, quicquam is an indefinite pronoun formed by the addition of the indefinite suffix -quam to ...
Is the female accusative singular relative pronoun quem or quam?
2018年3月14日 · This grid on Wiktionary gives quem for the singular feminine accusative of the relative pronoun quis. According to books by Kennedy, Gwynne and Henry Cullen this should be quam. Please can you te...
Jenney's First Year Latin, Lesson 37, comparatives with "quam"
I'd like some clarification on which cases are appropriate during the use of the word "quam" with comparatives. I'm teaching Jenney's First-Year Latin (1990). In Lesson 37 (page 426 of the 1990 ed...
Subjunctive with adverb “quam” - Latin Language Stack Exchange
2020年6月2日 · Passage: “Quam autem civitati carus fuerit, maerore funeris indicatum est.” Cic. Amic. 11 My translation in English: «Moreover, how dear he was to the citizenry was indicated by the grief of his
Can "quam" be used as a mere intensifier to a superlative?
It is quite in vain, then, that some—indeed very many—yield to merely human feelings and deplore the notion of the eternal punishment of the damned and their interminable and perpetual misery. They do not believe that such things will be. (translation source) This use of quam as a mere intensifier ("very") of a superlative surprised me.
grammar identification - "Quam" as relative pronoun or …
2022年2月27日 · The quam is a conjunction, working with the comparative prius. Taken together, they are equivalent to the English conjunction "before." It's perhaps easier to see the meaning if we reorder the elements: Siciliam tibi navigandum est prius quam urbem condere poteris. Navigandum est is neuter singular because it is an impersonal gerundive (A&G 500).
adverb - zelotypos quam Karus - Latin Language Stack Exchange
From this question, I'm curious what the poet is doing with quam Karus: Sic fugiens, dux, zelotypos quam Karus haberis. Thus fleeing, O leader, you are regarded with jealousy like Karus. Imagery ...
Does "plurimi" imply "vast majority" in Augustine's Enchiridion?
One can use quam as an intensifier of plurimi, so that quam plurimi is most naturally translated as "very many" as in the translation you cite, or perhaps "quite many". There are several classical attestations of quam plurim-. Looking at those examples, I think reading quam plurimi as necessarily meaning "vast majority" is an over-analysis.
Confused about the use of "quae" as an interrogative word
2019年10月23日 · can be used as an interrogative, but is the interrogative for both masculine and feminine nominative singular. The subtlety lies in the inflection tables for the different words. The relative pronoun declines like this: SINGULAR PLURAL masc fem neut masc fem neut nom quī quae quod quī quae quae gen --cujus-- quōrum quārum quōrum dat ---cui--- ----quibus---- acc …
Quem or quid when asking what something is buying?
2020年8月24日 · It shouldn't literally be in the gender of the word for what he is buying. After all, you may know he is buying a res, which is feminine, but you would still use the neuter quid, whereas quam as an interrogative would specifically refer to a female human being. This is very different from quam as a feminine relative pronoun, which very well can refer to res (and any …