Quam valves | Our complete choke valve series, manual or …
Quam valves | Our complete choke valve series. Rotating disks, Needle & seat, Positive, Plug & cage, Sleeve & cage. Manual, Electric actuated, Pneumatic actuated, Hydraulic actuated.
I am QUAM. I shape the flow
Quam and all our products are long life Service. We do believe in the choice of the best materials as extremely necessary in order to manufacture products of the highest quality.
Quam valves | QUAM SRL A SOCIO UNICO has been a market …
Quam valves has been a market leader operating since 2001 in the design, manufacturing and supply of complete Wellhead Equipment for the Upstream Onshore and Offshore Oil and Gas Industry.
Quam Valvole - Offshore Technology
Quam supplies wellhead actuators suitable for every model of valve and special valve actuators to solve specific field problems. Quam goes out of its way to provide the following services: Oil and gas fields require unsurpassed product reliability. Quam products are made to withstand wear and tear, bad weather and all kinds of harsh conditions.
CCM is the Choke Valve suitable for installation on Christmas Trees, Choke & Kill or Production/Water injection Manifolds with High pressure Drop applications as well as suitable for Severe Service applications
QUAM’s Liquid Discharge Valves are issued from a Heavy-Duty Design with easy maintenance, in order to achieve high reliability and long-life Service requested by Oil&Gas applications. They are generally used on Gas separators, which means they …
Quam is a CUSTOMERORIENTED company specialized in design and manufacturing of Special Valves & Control Systems for the Oil & Gas industry that uilds its usiness with manufacture of SPECIAL VALVES and frontline
Quam valves | Our complete gate valve series. The full range …
Property of QUAM SRL A SOCIO UNICO - 2025 C.F. e P.IVA : 01329420333 | Share capital 20.000,00 Euro
QUAM|意大利QUAM - 佳武
自 2001 年以来, QUAM srl 一直是为上游陆上和海上石油和天然气行业设计、制造和供应完整井口设备(包括 API 6A 阀门和井保护系统)的市场领导者。 | 设为主页 | 保存桌面
GATE VALVE GAH-SDV Series – Mechatronics Industrial Equipment
The QUAM GAP-SDV Series is a Full bore through conduit Slab Gate Valve complete with Rising Pneumatic Actuator ASP Series. GAH-SDV is the typical API-6A Hydraulic Gate Valve suitable for installation on Christmas Trees, Choke & Kill or Production Manifolds.