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教授,博导,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,国务院学位委员会评议组"环境科学与工程"组成员,首届新世纪百千万人才国家级入选者,国家“十•五”重大科技专项“水污染控制技术与治理工 …
Quan Xie - 全蝎 - Scorpio - Chinese Herbs - American Dragon
Quan Xie more strongly expels Wind to stop spasms and convulsions and is used externally for sores and toxic swellings. Zhi Bai Fu Zi is acrid, warm, intensely drying, ascending and …
Xie Quan - Google Scholar
Xie Quan. Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. ... Y Liu, Y Su, X Quan, X Fan, S Chen, H Yu, H Zhao, Y Zhang, J Zhao. ACS Catalysis 8 (2), …
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Professor Xie Quan studied chemistry at Northeast Normal University, and got his PhD degree from Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria. He is a Professor in School of Environmental …
Quan Xie - Meadows School of the Arts, SMU
Dr. Quan Xie is an assistant professor at the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University. She earned her Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Ohio University. She is …
Quan Xie's research works | Curtin University, Bentley and other …
Quan Xie's 115 research works with 2,850 citations and 13,791 reads, including: Storage integrity during underground hydrogen storage in depleted gas reservoirs
Quan Xie (0000-0003-0951-1133) - ORCID
Quan Xie via Scopus - Elsevier Insights into the wettability alteration of CO <inf>2</inf> -assisted EOR in carbonate reservoirs Journal of Molecular Liquids
Quan Xie - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · The Effect of Quan Xie Property. Pungent, neutral, toxic; liver meridian entered. Actions. Extinguish wind and stop spasm, counteract toxic pathogen and dissipate nodulation, …
全燮 - 高级会员 - 中国化学会
Quan Xie 全蠍 - herbguide
Quan Xie is toxic but it is still used today in the form of Qian Zheng San to treat Wind-strike; The name Quan Xie means "complete scorpion", it is so because the tail of the scorpion is the …
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