Hernan Cortez and the Quetzalcoatl Prophecy: How the …
2018年9月2日 · These two interpretations of the god Quetzalcoatl, along with Cortés’ march into Tenochtitlan on the First Year of the Reed, have led to the accepted assumption that the invading Spaniards were mistaken by the Aztecs as either being representatives or …
The Real Story of the ‘Bearded God’ Named Quetzalcoatl
2020年8月3日 · As the story goes, the Aztec believed in a white, bearded god named Quetzalcoatl, who, long ago, had disappeared into the east. Before he left, however, he promised to return. When Cortes and his crew of Spaniards came ashore in …
The Mexica Didn’t Believe the Conquistadors Were Gods
2020年1月17日 · The fleshed-out version of the story had it that “a god named Quetzalcoatl, who long ago had disappeared in the east,” had promised to return on a certain date. By extraordinary coincidence, Cortés appeared out of the east in that very year.
4 Myths About When Montezuma Met Cortés - HISTORY
2022年3月23日 · As Spanish conquístador Hernán Cortés and his followers progressed inland toward the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán, some leaders of rival tribal groups met and decided to join the Spaniards in...
2011年12月8日 · The contention that Montezuma thought that Cortez was the god Quetzalcoatl is based upon the writings of Franciscan Bernardino de Sahagun, who was present with Cortez in 1519, and a document, the Florentine Codex, that was written more than 50 years after the fact. Father Sahagun quoted a speech addressing Cortez at their meeting:
Quetzalcōātl - Wikipedia
Quetzalcoatl (/ ˌ k ɛ t s əl k oʊ ˈ æ t əl /) [3] [pron 1] (Nahuatl: "Feathered Serpent") is a deity in Aztec culture and literature. Among the Aztecs, he was related to wind, Venus, Sun, merchants, arts, crafts, knowledge, and learning. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood. [5]
Motecuzoma Xocoyotl, Hernán Cortés, and Bernal Díaz del …
1995年5月1日 · The problem of the references to Quetzalcoatl in Moctezuma’s speeches as Cortés reports them exists on three levels: whether the Mexica believed that Quetzalcoatl would return to claim the kingdom; the complexities of the persona of Quetzalcoatl; and the identification of Quetzalcoatl with Cortés.
Did the Mexica consider Hernán Cortés a god ... - Mexico News Daily
2022年7月4日 · Following the conquest of the Mexicas, Spanish chroniclers made an often unchallenged claim: that the Mexica emperor Moctezuma II mistook the conquistador Hernán Cortés for the serpent deity...
Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire - Wikipedia
Taking place between 1519 and 1521, this event saw the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, and his small army of European soldiers and numerous indigenous allies, overthrowing one of the most powerful empires in Mesoamerica.
Quetzalcoatl - Aztec God
Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican god whose name literally means “feathered serpent”. He was worshiped among all the major cultures of the Mesoamerican region through history. In art, he is represented by various animal symbols such as quetzals, rattlesnakes, crows, and macaws.