Quizizz | Free Online Quizzes, Lessons, Activities and Homework
resources that meet the needs of every student. Trusted by teachers in 90% of U.S. Schools and 150+ countries. Adapt anything in your curriculum with an assist from AI when you want it. Deliver differentiated instruction that’s as unique as your students. Quizizz was the obvious choice ... because teachers asked for it.
Motivate every student to mastery with easy-to-customize content plus tools for inclusive assessment, instruction, and practice.
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Quizin - クイズで人生をより豊かにする
2025年2月2日 · 〜クイズで人生をより豊かにする〜 社会人クイズサークルです。8月5日に初の主催大会『Quizin Invitational』を開催しました。記録集発売中。
Easy & Fun 퀴즈앤
Various educational support functions with QuizN! With a PC or smartphone, anyone can create a quiz show, interact and participate in a quiz game, and immerse and feel a sense of …
Brew a potion & reveal whether you're a pure-blood, half-blood or a muggle-born. What Vision Would You Hold In Genshin Impact? What villain or antagonist from The Hunger Games are …
Quizinière : création et partage d’exercices pédagogiques en ligne
Pour vos évaluations, créez des exercices en ligne simplement et gratuitement à l’aide de textes à trous, QCM, dessins, vidéos, sons, etc.
一个实用小工具Quizizz,让你的网课更有趣味性 - 知乎
今天要介绍的这款教学网络辅助工具,名为“Quizizz”,来自一家印度科技公司。 之所以推荐它,是因为以下几个优势: 1.连接速度快:相对于名声在外的Kahoot,这个网站在国内的打开速度已经相当快了。 2.使用方便:…
Quizlet: Study Tools & Learning Resources for Students and …
Master whatever you’re learning with Quizlet’s interactive flashcards, practice tests, and study activities. Create your own flashcards or find sets made by teachers, students, and experts. Study them anytime, anywhere with our free app. Turn your slides, videos, and notes into flashcard sets, practice tests, and study guides.
Play & Create Quiz - Quiz.com
Play 1000s of free quizzes, or create your own. Challenge your friends on any device. Stream friendly.