Qujing - Wikipedia
Qujing is located in the east of Yunnan province, about 130 kilometres (81 mi) east of Kunming, the provincial capital. Like much of the central and eastern parts of the province, it is part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.
鼩鼱(学名:Sorex araneus),是鼩鼱科鼩鼱属动物,别名小尖嘴耗子、奚鼠等。其体型较小,体长50~62毫米,体重5~14克。头尖且长,耳隐于毛中。口须长,眼小。尾细长,尾长约3~5厘米。四肢纤细,前后肢均各有5趾。体被有灰褐色细绒毛。上下齿的齿尖均有鲜明的栗红色。鼩鼱的环境适应性强,分布 ...
曲靖市,是中国云南省下辖地级市,位于云南省东部,处珠江源头,云南、贵州、广西三省区交界处,东与贵州省兴义市、六盘水市毗邻,南与文山壮族苗族自治州红河哈尼族彝族自治州接壤,西接昆明市,北临昭通市,素有“滇黔锁钥”、“云南咽喉”之称,距省会昆明市120千米,地区面 …
曲靖市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
曲 Qū 靖市[2],古称 味县 、 南宁,是 中华人民共和国 云南省 下辖的 地级市,位于云南省东部。市境西临 昆明市,北接 昭通市 与 贵州省 毕节市,东邻贵州省 六盘水市 、 黔西南州,南界 红河州 、 文山州 与 广西壮族自治区 百色市。地处 云贵高原 中部 乌蒙山 区,主要为 喀斯特 地貌。 小 …
7 Best Things To Do In Qujing, China - Trip101
2021年1月28日 · There are many things to do in Qujing. While exploring the caves, waterfall, and parks, Qujing will give your mind and body a uniquely memorable experience to cherish forever. Let us have a look at the best things to do and tourist spots to check out in Qujing:
Qujing Travel Guide: Attractions, Tours, Climate, Food, Restaurant ...
Qujing Travel Guide offers you useful information including travel tips, attractions, tours, weather, climate, food, restaurant, accommodation, ethnic minorities, festivals, activities, education, shopping, photos and maps.
Qujing Yunnan: 'Throat of Yunnan' Featuring Rapeseed Flowers
2024年11月20日 · Located in eastern Yunnan Province, Qujing is the headstream where the largest river in South China, the Pearl River initiates. It is bordered by Guizhou and Guangxi to the east. The capital city of the province, Kunming lies about 130 kilometers (81 miles) west to it.
Qujing - Wikiwand
Qujing is a prefecture-level city in the east of Yunnan province, China, bordering Guizhou province to the east and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to the ...
自然地理 - 曲靖市人民政府门户网
【位置面积】 曲靖市位于云南省东部, 地处东经103°03′44″~ 104°32′36″,北纬24°21′00″~ 27°03′24″之间,是云南与内地的重要通道,东接贵州省六盘水市、黔西南布依族苗族自治州和广西壮族自治区百色市,西与昆明市接界,南连文山州、红河州及昆明市,北与昭通市、贵州省毕节市 …
Qujing City | Colorful Yunnan
Qujing is known for its beautiful mountain landscapes and its unique fields of rapeseed, which create vast expanses of brilliant yellow. It is also the site of many delicately preserved ancient buildings.