QMK Firmware
Make it yours with a completely customizable, powerful, and enjoyable firmware experience. Supporting over 3000 keyboards, with compatibility expanding frequently. Providing helpful, …
Quantum Mechanical Keyboard Firmware | QMK Firmware
QMK (Quantum Mechanical Keyboard) is an open source community centered around developing computer input devices. The community encompasses all sorts of input devices, such as keyboards, mice, and MIDI devices.
QMK Configurator
QMK Configurator is an online tool used for easily creating firmware files for keyboards supported in qmk_firmware
基础QMK键盘固件编译环境搭建(WIN10) - 哔哩哔哩
本文仅为搭建QMK编译环境的初级教程,主要为了解决搭建过程中由于国内外网络导致的资源下载不成功问题,更深一步的命令使用教程及键盘生成细节请参考官方文档或借鉴他人成功经验。 2. 环境搭建. 2.1 主机环境准备. 主机:WIN10. 浏览器:chrome. 参考文档:https://docs.qmk.fm/#/newbs_getting_started. 注意:文档请使用英文界面,虽然存在中文翻译版本,但两者并不完全同步,中文翻译版存在滞后问题,请以英文版为准。 2.2 编译环境安装.
Quantum Mechanical Kit
Quantum Mechanical Kit
QMK - Wikipedia
QMK (Quantum Mechanical Keyboard[2]) is open-source firmware for microcontrollers that control computer keyboards. [3][4][5] The QMK Configurator is freely available software which facilitates designing keyboard layouts and then turning them into firmware files.
QMK - GitHub
Userspace for the open-source QMK keyboard firmware. Community contributed code (ports, drivers, etc). Loading…
The QMK Tutorial | QMK Firmware
QMK Firmware fills the role of that software, detecting button presses and passing that information on to the host computer. When you build your custom keymap, you are creating an executable program for your keyboard. QMK tries to put a lot of power into your hands by making easy things easy, and hard things possible.
Setting Up Your QMK Environment | QMK Firmware
We've tried to make QMK as easy to set up as possible. You only have to prepare your Linux or Unix environment, then let QMK install the rest. QMK maintains a Bundle of MSYS2, the CLI and all necessary dependencies. It also provides a handy QMK MSYS terminal shortcut to boot you directly into the correct environment.
自编译QMK入门篇——开发环境搭建与编译 - 什么值得买
2019年10月26日 · 在 gayhub 的QMK项目的页面上,可以下载到QMK的源码。 下载zip包后,解压到程序。 也可以直接使用git,通过命令git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/qmk/qmk_firmware.git 实现。 下载完成后,使用cd加源码所在文件夹的命令进入QMK的源码文件夹,例如我的在C根目录下,文件夹名字为,命令是”|C|qmk_firmware“ (|是斜杠)。 接着需要使用命令 util/msys2_install.sh ,安装一些QMK所必须要的驱动程序。 为了 …