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Qwaqwa | Free State, Maluti Mountains, Basotho | Britannica
Qwaqwa, former nonindependent Bantustan, Orange Free State, South Africa, designated for the southern Sotho (often called Basuto) people. Located in a section of the Drakensberg, Qwaqwa was a glen among mountains at elevations from 5,500 feet to more than 10,000 feet (1,675 m to more than 3,050 m).
QwaQwa National Park - Wikipedia
The QwaQwa National Park is part of the Golden Gate Highlands National Park and the Maloti-Drakensberg Park and comprises the former Bantustan (homeland) of QwaQwa. It is approximately 60 km from Harrismith on the Golden Gate Road (R712) and formed an integral part of the Highlands Treasure Route.
QwaQwa - Wikipedia
QwaQwa was a Bantustan ("homeland") in the central eastern part of South Africa. It encompassed a very small region of 655 square kilometres (253 sq mi) in the east of the former South African province of Orange Free State, bordering Lesotho. [3] . Its capital was Witsieshoek.
Know My City - QwaQWA - YouTube
Ever wondered what the city of Qwa Qwa looks like? Or perhaps, do you know how this city came to existence? 🤔 This past week, we took a trip to this beautif...
Home | Seafarers International Union
Excellent Work by Seafarers The professionalism, reliability and compassion of SIU members never wanes, but a few recent developments underscore those characteristics. As reported elsewhere in this edition, SIU members aboard the Liberty Power helped handle a tense situation reportedly involving Iran’s military.
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(金+倫)是什么字?_拼音,意思,字典释义 - <𨫅> - 《汉语大字典》
【】字部首为釒, 笔画为18画, 笔顺为“ノ丶一一丨丶ノ一ノ丨ノ丶一丨フ一丨丨”。 【】字五笔为QWWA, 郑码为PNAL。 【】字Unicode码为U+28AC5,位于Unicode编码中日韩统一表意文字【区】。 (注)参考资料:以上【】字释义以《汉语大字典》、《高级汉语辞典》为基础,结合百科等网络释义整理而成。 右, 拼音为yòu, 笔画为5画, 部首为口, unicode编码53F3, 造字法为会意:从口、从又, 本义为右助。见《说文》。这个意义后来写作“佑”, 汉语字典解释:1、 面向南时,西 …
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