Decoherence and Quantum Walks under the regime of weak …
Our research on Quantum Walks under the regime of quantum weak measurements and weak values (QWWM) is being continued from the perspective of quantum algorithms. Previously we investigated several statistical measures of a QWWM on an infinite line, and did some comparative study of such results with corresponding classical and quantum walks ...
A statistical and comparative study of quantum walks under weak ...
We start by producing a concise introduction to quantum weak values and quantum weak measurements. We then introduce definitions as well as both analytical and numerical results for a QWWM under Hadamard evolution and extend our analysis to quantum evolution ruled by general unitary operators.
Decoherence and Quantum Walks under the regime of weak …
2012年2月1日 · We show preliminary results with respect to how the performance of Grover's algorithm is affected by entangled qubits when decoherence happens due to temperature difference. Furthermore, we provide...
A Statistical and Comparative Study of Quantum Walks Under …
2011年5月1日 · We start by producing a concise introduction to quantum weak values and quantum weak measurements. We then introduce definitions as well as both analytical and numerical results for a QWWM under...
Quantum walk search factors in the regime of weak measurement
2014年6月11日 · Our previous work brought some interesting results of the discrete Quantum Walks in the regime of Weak Measurement (QWWM or QWWV). Using the knowledge of such results of QWWM, we are now...
Quantum walk search factors in the regime of weak measurement
2014年6月11日 · Our previous work brought some interesting results of the discrete Quantum Walks in the regime of Weak Measurement (QWWM or QWWV). Using the knowledge of such results of QWWM, we are now exploring the search algorithms and investigating the factors associated with such walk.
measurements (QWWM hereinafter). In particular, we investigate the limiting posi-tion probability distribution and several statistical measures (such as standard devi-ation) of a QWWM on an infinite line, and compare such results with corresponding classical and quantum walks position probability distributions and statistical mea-
〔㩹〕字是多音字,拼音是(dié、zhá),部首是 扌部,总笔画是 25画。 〔㩹〕字是左右结构,可拆字为“ 扌、疊 ”。 〔㩹〕字仓颉码是 QWWM,五笔是 RLLG,四角号码是 56012,郑码是 DKWL。 〔㩹〕字的UNICODE是 U+3A79,位于UNICODE的 中日韩统一表意文字扩展区A,10进制: 14969,UTF-32:00003A79,UTF-8:E3 A9 B9。 〔㩹〕字异体字是 𢶣。 ① 收。 ② 排。 㩹是多音字,拼音是dié、zhá,㩹字共25画,部首是扌部,本页介绍㩹字的意思,㩹的详细解 …
Some Statistical Measures and Analytical Results of Quantum ... - NASA/ADS
We start by producing a concise introduction to quantum weak values and quantum weak measurements. We then introduce definitions as well as both analytical and numerical results for a QWWM under Hadamard evolution and extend our analysis to quantum evolution ruled by general unitary operators.
Some Statistical Measures and Analytical Results of ... - ResearchGate
2011年3月1日 · We start by producing a concise introduction to quantum weak values and quantum weak measurements. We then introduce definitions as well as both analytical and numerical results for a QWWM under...
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