What exactly is QYLD anyway - and should you invest? : …
2024年1月27日 · QYLD is an ETF that sells covered calls against a portfolio of shares. Sometimes I get the impression that some investors are unclear about the concept of a …
Why QYLD? Which 4 high-dividend/growth ETFs would you …
2023年4月12日 · This subreddit is for investors who are interested in discussing dividend growth investments, income investments such as SCHD, covered call ETFs such as JEPI, QYLD, …
Final Consensus, QYLD is not a good ETF, and you should not
2022年12月13日 · Qyld is a shit etf when we talk about overall growth, but if you’re using qyld to snowball your account at a decent cost basis and it is a small fraction of your overall portfolio I …
QYLD - Erfahrungen in Deutschland? : r/Finanzen - Reddit
2021年12月9日 · Willkommen auf r/Finanzen wo es um deine Finanzen geht! Für erste Schritte im Bereich ETF Investieren schaue gerne in unser Wiki rein. Für "kleine" Fragen nutze gerne den …
Anleitung: QYLD oder ARK ETFs in Deutschland kaufen : r/Finanzen …
2022年3月21日 · Hallo zusammen, ich habe mich viel mit ETFs beschäftigt und bin wahrscheinlich wie viele auch mal auf QYLD, RYLD, XYLD oder die beliebten ARK ETFs …
10 Things About QYLD : u/Global_X_ETFs - Reddit
2024年1月16日 · QYLD helped pioneer the derivative ETF space, which has since amassed more than $100bn in assets under management in the US. (Source: Global X ETFs, Morningstar …
Thoughts on QYLD and RYLD? : r/investing - Reddit
The downside is the distributions are not actual dividends (mostly). Instead they are actually semi-active options profit made by the ETF from selling ATM covered calls on the Nasdaq-100. If …
QYLD ETF... how does it work? : r/stocks - Reddit
People love qyld but honestly you’re better off buying lots of 100 shares of good companies like Apple / Microsoft etc and selling covered calls on your own.
Is QYLD worth investing in? If not, what should a beginner ... - Reddit
2021年7月20日 · qyld is good if you have to retire and need to live off the dividends now. Other wise you better off in ETFs like vti and voo like jumpstockfun666 said. Now if you got time …
Global X S&P 500 Covered Call ETF (XYLD) and Global X Russell
2021年4月24日 · I have seen many a post here about Global X NASDAQ 100 Covered Call ETF (QYLD) and was wondering if anyone here has looked into or invested in XYLD or RYLD. …