R-99 SMG - Apex Legends Wiki
The R-99 SMG, or R-99, is a fully-automatic submachine gun that utilizes Mythic Light Rounds. Distance at which shots can no longer deal headshots. Expressed in hammer units, equals to 38 meters. Time before the weapon can be fired after picking it up for the first time. Expressed in seconds. Time to bring out the weapon. Expressed in seconds.
转换 巴西雷亚尔(BRL) 为人民币(CNY) - The Money Converter
4 天之前 · R$ 巴西雷亚尔,意为“皇家的”,首先由葡萄牙定居者引入到巴西的货币系统中。1690年,雷亚尔成为巴西的法定货币,此时雷亚尔为最小单位。1994年1月1号,新的雷亚尔取代旧的雷亚尔。 BRL 汇率; CNY 人民币 国家 中国 洲 亚洲 附属单位 1 Yuan = 10 jiao or 100 fen 标志 ¥
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99 Reais (BRL) to US Dollars (USD) - Currency Converter
5 天之前 · How much is R$99.00 – the ninety-nine 🇧🇷 reais is worth $17.04 (USD) today or 💵 seventeen us dollars 4 cents as of 19:00PM UTC. We utilize mid-market currency rates to convert BRL against USD currency pair.
The 10 Best R-99 Skins of Apex Legends in 2024 - GameRiv
2024年8月29日 · Respawn has released a ton of R-99 skins since the launch of Apex Legends. However, here are our top ten R-99 skins to ever exist in the game.
R-99 - Apex Legends Wiki
元々はR-97CN A3と呼ばれていたR-99 SMGは、フロンティア・コロニアル海軍での使用を目的としていたため、"CN"区分の武器となっている。 コロニアル海軍は、高軌道や大気圏に突入した敵艦に対して軌道上搭乗部隊を編成することが多いため、コンパクトで、低重力下やコックピット、艦内通路などの極めて狭い場所でも弾丸を発射できる武器を必要としていた。 Apex Legendsでは、R-99の発射速度は他のどの銃にも引けを取らず、数秒のうちに弾倉内の全弾 …
R-99 - Liquipedia Apex Legends Wiki
"R-99" is a Submachine Gun. New weapon. Can no longer equip the 3x HCOG "Ranger" or the 2x-4x Variable AOG scopes. Reduced magazine size: 18 / 22 / 26 / 30 -> 18 / 20 / 23 / 27. …
Convert from Brazilian Real (BRL) to United States Dollar (USD)
1 天前 · Currency converter to convert from Brazilian Real (BRL) to United States Dollar (USD) including the latest exchange rates, a chart showing the exchange rate history for the last 120-days and information about the currencies.
R-99 SMG - Titanfall Wiki
The R-99 Submachine Gun (SMG), or simply the R-99, is an anti-personnel close-quarter Submachine gun employed by combatants in the Apex Games, appeas a successor to its Frontier War ancestor, the R-97 Compact SMG. The R-99 features the highest rate of fire in the game, exceeding even the...
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