R-301 Carbine - Apex Legends Wiki
The R-301 Carbine was the weapon used by ARES guards during the events of the Voidwalker cinematic. The straight-bow trigger in many of the weapon skins visually resembles the CMC Triggers Flat Face drop-in trigger for the Remington 700, AR-15, and AK-47 real life weapons.
R-301 Carbine (Mobile) - Apex Legends Wiki
The R-301 Carbine, or R-301, is an assault rifle that utilizes Light Rounds. It can be switched between fully-automatic and semi-automatic fire modes.
R-301 卡宾枪 - 武器 | Apex Legends
2019年2月12日 · R-301 卡宾枪 is a 普通 突击步枪 weapon in Apex Legends. It deals 14 damage (28 for headshots), uses 轻型弹药 and holds 18 bullets in a magazine.
R-301 - Liquipedia Apex Legends Wiki
Full-auto and high accuracy. "R-301" is an Assault Rifle. New weapon. Gold R-301 now has a 1x-2x Variable HOLO instead of 2x-4x Variable AOG. Added Anvil Receiver. Compatible with R …
Apex Legends R-301 Carbine: Damage Stats, Attachments, and …
2021年12月9日 · This guide on the R-301 Carbine for Apex Legends breaks down the damage stats, attachments, and skins for the weapon.
神话武器皮肤 R-301 虚空破坏 全方位展示_APEX英雄
包含恶灵特殊互动! ,【APEX】超模刺客! 预览新版艾许:“你被秒的时候都看不见我在哪”,希尔这近战动作给我整晕3d了😅,还有一把新神话? 新步枪RAM7神话或将到来! ,最帅爪子刀,没有之一,通用传家宝 猛禽之爪 全动作展示,特效秒杀竞品!
【虚空破坏】R-301威望级皮肤靶场全方位展示!包含恶灵特殊互动!_哔哩哔哩bilibili_APEX …
Apex Legends™ 是一款免费的英雄射击游戏,传奇人物在边境边缘为荣耀、名声和财富而战。 简介:此视频中的所有内容均属于 Respawn/EA。
R-301 Carbine | Apexlegends Wiki | Fandom
The R-301 Carbine is an assault rifle weapon which uses Light rounds. It has a magazine of 18 (without attachments). It does 14 damage per shot, and 28 per headshot. The R-301 Carbine is able to switch between single and automatic firing modes.
Apex Legends R-301 卡宾枪:伤害统计数据、附件和皮肤
我们可能将 R-301 卡宾枪列为《Apex 英雄》中最好的突击步枪,但最适合您的武器始终取决于您的个人风格。 如果您喜欢在战斗中退缩并使用狙击手占领制高点,请查看我们的指南 哨兵步枪。
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