r/AR_15 - Reddit
A non fudd sub that won't ban you for anything AR-15 related. But please do and try and keep it somewhat cordial.
r/ar15 - Links, build pics, questions and other tactical or ... - Reddit
Welcome to r/AR15! Share you builds, ask relevant questions, play nice etc.
Basically anything seen on AR15 - Reddit
r/PlebeianAR: We give up, this place is normie hell. You might as well just browse /r/ar15 or /r/guns. Nothing belongs here, nothing is pleb. Paint…
index - ar15 - Reddit
2009年12月15日 · The AR-15 was designed for the Army's SCHV program to supplement, and ultimately replace the M14. As with most military contracts, the company, Colt in this case, could not afford to live completely off military contracts and brought the AR-15 to the civilian market.
Augmented Reality - Reddit
The growing generative artificial intelligence can help people create diverse and more vivid digital realms, which will drive the development of the AR device market."AR is the best carrier of artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence is the best …
r/empleos_AR - Reddit
r/empleos_AR Current search is within r/empleos_AR Remove r/empleos_AR filter and expand search to all of Reddit
ARs, but with pistol cartridges - Reddit
r/AR9: A place to discuss variants of the AR series that are chambered for pistol cartridges, including 9mm, 45ACP, and 22LR.
r/ARQuizAnswers - Reddit
r/ARQuizAnswers: Community to find answers for Accelerated "AR" test answers. New Overpowered "OP" books get posted every 1-2 months. Thank you for…
General discussion : r/ar15 - Reddit
Welcome to r/AR15! Share you builds, ask relevant questions, play nice etc.
Best AR overall : r/ar15 - Reddit
Eugene Stoner the inventor of the AR-10 and AR-15 worked at knights armament company along with Reed Knight and they made his last design improvements to the AR-15. Knights is known for their extensive research and development. They also make most if …