How to define more line types for graphs in R (custom linetype)?
Here an example , using linetype aes in ggplot2 equivalent to lty in base R. This way you can get more than the 6 predefined types. This way you can get more than the 6 predefined types.
r - The option `lty` in `plot ()` not working - Stack Overflow
lty only affects the drawing of lines. It does work if you do, for example; plot(1:10, type = "b", lty = 2) which gives. I chose type = "b" here to illustrate the difference; it means both lines and points. Notice how lty affects the line parts, but not the points themselves.
R: legend with points and lines being different colors (for the same ...
You can do this with 2 calls to legend, the 1st time plots the lines, then the second call plots over the top with invisible lines, but plots the points in the desired colors:
R plot: Displaying both point type and line type in legend
2016年6月18日 · I have generated a plot with plot function. I added the point markers with pch() and the line type with lty. In the legend section I wanted to merge the points and lines together. I used merge=TR...
Dashed curve in simple R plot. Lty=2 does not seem to be working
2014年12月7日 · It is off-topic because it is about how to use R. Lacking a reproducible example is a further difficulty making many of us reluctant to vote to migrate this to SO. Please review advice about software-related questions in the Help Center.
formatting - Add pch symbol in R plot legend - Stack Overflow
2013年4月14日 · But I don't want to have a blue line in the legend for exceedance, but just the stars in the plot. I have to use the pch=8. I just want to have the stars in the legend, not the stars with a line. So not these solutions: R legend issue, symbols of points are masked by lines
plot - Legend with both point and line in R - Stack Overflow
2013年12月17日 · legend('topright',c('','name'),lty=c(1,NA),pch=c(NA,'X'),bg='white',ncol=2) The spacing may be a bit awkward, but it gets the line and the symbol separated. If you intend to have multiple line-symbol pairs in your legend, be sure to set things up as, e.g. lty=c(1,2,3,NA,NA,NA).
lty and lwd in standard R 3.02 not working? - Stack Overflow
2014年1月27日 · plot(x,hx,lwd=3,lty=1,col="blue") And I get the same picture? Why is lty not working here? Same holds for lwd? R somehow does not recognize it? I had never a problem like this. I just downloaded the new R version, because my old crashed. Where is my mistake? EDIT: How can I get a thinner line? If I use lwd=1 it is still so fat (only a slight ...
"igraph.plot" and "edge.lty" in R - Stack Overflow
2018年2月15日 · I have organized my network data in a datasheet (header= TRUE), such as: n V1 V2 Year Influence Dialogic 1 A B 1995 Coercitive Antagonism 2 C D 1995 Normative
r - How to specify line thickness in points a plot? - Stack Overflow
2021年5月26日 · The base R plot functions commonly use the argument lwd for specifying the line thickness. These are relative line widths though, and different help files indicate that this is a multiplying factor. So a linewidth lwd = 1 gives a line width of 1 * defaultwidth.