Radomir Mihailović - Wikipedia
Radomir Mihailović (Serbian Cyrillic: Радомир Михаиловић; born 13 June 1950), also known as Točak (wheel in English) is a Serbian guitarist. He is best known as the guitarist for the Serbian and formerly Yugoslav Smak. [1] Mihailović was born on 13 July 1950 in …
R.M -TOCAK - Ulazak u harem (Entering the Harem) ♫ - YouTube
R.M Tocak Radomir Mihajlovic "Tocak" is guitarist, composer and leader of the band SMAK. His playing style is characterised by mixture of emotional expression and unique technique. Among other...
RADOMIR MIHAJLOVIC discography and reviews
Radomir Mihajlovic "Tocak" is guitarist, composer and leader of the band SMAK. His playing style is characterised by mixture of emotional expression and unique technique. Among other things, his specific style includes skillful fingerpicking and vibrato techniques.
Радомир Михаиловић Точак — Википедија
Радомир Михаиловић Точак (Чачак, 13. јун 1950) српски је рок гитариста. Један је од оснивача и дугогодишњи члан групе Смак. Од пете година свира разне жичане инструменте. [1] . Са девет година почео је да свира гитару. [2]
RADOMIR MIHAJLOVIC R. M. Tocak reviews - Progarchives.com
R. M. Tocak is a music studio album recording by RADOMIR MIHAJLOVIC (Jazz Rock/Fusion/Progressive Rock) released in 1976 on cd, lp / vinyl and/or cassette. This page includes R. M. Tocak's : cover picture, songs / tracks list, members/musicians and line-up, different releases details, free MP3 download (stream), buy online links: amazon ...
Radomir Mihailović Točak Discography: Vinyl, CDs, & More | Discogs
Famous and respected Serbian session musician, composer, guitar player and founding member of 'Smak'. Explore Radomir Mihailović Točak's biography, discography, and artist credits. Shop …
R.M. Točak (1976) - YouTube
2012年12月5日 · Radomir Mihailović Točak je najbolji srpski (Ex Yu) gitarista.Ovo je njegov solo album iz 1976 godineUzivajte!01. Oro 0:00:0002. Aria...
R. M. Točak – R. M. Točak (1976) - JazzRockSoul.com
2018年1月16日 · R. M. Točak is an album by Yugoslavian guitarist Radomir Mihajlović Točak, released in 1976 on RTV Ljubljana. Tracklist: A1. “Oro” (2:30) A2. “Aria Diamond” (6:39) A3. …
R. M. Točak – R. M. Točak | Releases | Discogs
Explore the tracklist, credits, statistics, and more for R. M. Točak by R. M. Točak. Compare versions and buy on Discogs
R. M. Točak by Radomir Mihajlović "Točak" - Genius
When did Radomir Mihajlović "Točak" release R. M. Točak?
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