Russell Ohl - Wikipedia
Russell Shoemaker Ohl (January 30, 1898 – March 20, 1987) was an American scientist who is generally recognized for patenting the modern solar cell (U.S. patent 2,402,662, "Light sensitive device"). [1] Ohl was a notable semiconductor researcher prior to the invention of the transistor. [1] He was also known as R.S. Ohl.
1940:PN结的发现 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
1930年代中期,新泽西州霍姆德尔 贝尔电话实验室 (Bell Labs)的电化学家罗素·奥尔(Russell Ohl)开始研究如何把 硅整流器 作为雷达探测器使用。他发现提升硅的纯度有助于改善其探测能力。
Russell Ohl - Engineering and Technology History Wiki - ETHW
2016年2月25日 · One of those people was Russell Ohl, who, in 1940 stumbled on the semiconductor “p-n” junction diode, the device that Bardeen described as fundamental to the work of the team that built the transistor.
Russell Shoemaker Ohl (January 1898 - March 1987) was an American engineer who is generally recognized for patenting the modern solar cell (US Patent 2402662, "Light sensitive device") . Ohl was a notable semicnductor researcher prior to the invention of the transistor .
世界半导体极简编年史_贝尔实验室 - 搜狐
2020年1月10日 · Russell Ohl发现了硅中的P-N结和光伏效应,从而促进了结晶体管和太阳能电池的发展。 开发出用于战时雷达微波探测器的高纯度锗和硅晶体的生产技术。 1947年12月,约翰·巴丁(John Bardeen)和沃尔特·布拉顿(Walter Brattain)在锗点接触器件中实现了晶体管作用。 Herbert Mataré和Heinrich Welker在法国发明了锗点接触晶体管。 威廉·肖克利(William Shockley)基于对P-N结效应的理论理解,构想了一种改进的晶体管结构。 William Pfann …
1940: Discovery of the p-n Junction - CHM
Russell Ohl discovers the p-n junction and photovoltaic effects in silicon that lead to the development of junction transistors and solar cells. In the mid-1930s Russell Ohl, an electrochemist at Bell Telephone Labs in Holmdel, NJ, began investigating the use of silicon rectifiers as radar detectors.
1956 年诺贝尔物理学奖——晶体管的发明 - 物含妙理
2023年9月17日 · 就在这个时候,贝尔实验室的奥尔(R.S.Ohl)等人已经掌握了有效的提纯工艺,能够用掺杂的方法控制半导体的导电类型,为制备高质量的半导体材料准备了条件。
Russell Ohl: the “Forgotten” Bell Labser Discoverer of the P-N …
He is also known as Russell Shoemaker Ohl or R.S. Ohl.Russell Ohlís specialized area of research was into the behavior of certain types of crystals. He worked on materials research in the 1930ís at Bell Labs Holmdel facility, investigating diode detectors suitable for high-frequency wireless, broadcasting , and radar.
Light-sensitive electric device - 百度学术
This invention relates to light-sensitive electric devices and more particularly to photoE. M. F. cells comprising fused silicon of high purity. An object of the invention is to provide an improved light-sensitive electric device. Another object of the invention is to provide an improved...
Russell Ohl | American scientist | Britannica
…the silicon solar cell by Russell Ohl in 1941. Thirteen years later, aided by the rapid commercialization of silicon technology needed to fabricate the transistor, three other American researchers—Gerald Pearson, Daryl Chapin, and Calvin Fuller—demonstrated a silicon solar cell capable of a 6 percent energy-conversion efficiency when ...