“ARE YOU OK?”,是如何成为小米最成功的广告语的? - 知乎
熟悉小米的都知道,这句“are you ok”其实是雷军的一个梗。 2015年,雷军在印度出席一个小米手机的产品发布会的时候,用英语和台下的印度“米粉”交流,但他的英语带着浓重的中式腔调,用语也相对简单,中间连说了两遍“ARE YOU OK”还用得不太对。
A conversation could change a life | R U OK?
R U OK? is an Australian suicide prevention charity and registered public health promotion that encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times.
R U OK? Suicide Prevention Campaign
R U OK? empowers individuals to connect with the people around them, and offer support to anyone who may be in need of help. Be the one to ask family, friends and colleagues the question, “R U OK?” You can make a difference for those who may be struggling. Dial 9-8-8 for free and confidential help, 24/7
Одноклассники.ру это социальная сеть, где вы можете найти своих старых друзей. Общение, онлайн игры, подарки и открытки для друзей. Приходите в ОК, делитесь …
R U OK? - Wikipedia
R U OK? is an Australian non-profit suicide prevention organisation, founded by advertiser Gavin Larkin in 2009. It revolves around the slogan "R U OK?" (gramogram for "are you okay?") and advocates for people to have conversations with others. The organisation holds a …
How to ask "Are you OK?" | R U OK?
R U OK? is a suicide prevention charity encouraging Australians to start life-changing conversations, when they're needed most. Four simple steps guide you to ask "Are you OK?", and help someone in need safely and comfortably.
Resources for Education Providers to ask "Are you OK?" | R U OK?
R U OK? is a suicide prevention charity, encouraging all Australians to notice the signs of mental health struggle, and help those in need. Our education resources for schools and staff are valuable guides to creating safe, effective, meaningful conversations that can change a life.
R U OK? Day - jimyoungsociety.org
2 天之前 · R U OK? is an Australian suicide prevention charity that encourages us all to have regular, meaningful conversations with anyone we’re worried about. R U OK? envisions a world where we’re all connected and are protected from suicide.
R U OK? is a national charity inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life. Looking out for one another and lending support are key life skills for any age group. This toolkit has been designed to encourage students to look out for their classmates by asking R U OK?
小米推出Are you OK手型周边,雷总亲自带货 - 数英网
2024年9月7日 · 后来雷军官宣入驻B站,上传自己的视频首秀,其中的背景音乐也用了成名曲《R U OK》。 为了将娱乐至死进行到底,雷军还砸了200万买下“AreYouOK”版权,让大家放开玩。 更好笑的是《歌手2024》节目播出后,雷军不仅登顶UC摇人榜第一,成绩还是断崖式级别。
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