windows - Vim: \n vs. \r - Stack Overflow
2008年12月8日 · Behind the scenes, Vim uses \r (carriage returns) to save End-Of-Lines (regardless of the fileformat, which only matters when the file is being read or written). Vim uses \n to represent NULs. However, you search for EOL as \n, but in the replacement, \n stands for NUL. It's explained in :h sub-replace-sepcial.
Why is \r a newline for Vim? - Stack Overflow
2008年9月16日 · If you follow the link to |pattern|, it takes you to the section that explains the whole regexp patterns used in Vim. Meanwhile, |sub-replace-special| takes you to the subsection of "4.2 Substitute", which contains the patterns for …
What is the difference between s, c and r commands in vi/vim?
Maximizing the utility of commands like c, y, and d that take motions requires having a good grasp of text-objects (type help text-objects in vim. These aren't in vi.) Because r takes a character instead of entering insert mode, you can input characters that would otherwise be difficult to add in. Typing r<C-R> (that's r, then ctrl-r) replaces ...
vim - What is "%:r" in vimrc file? - Stack Overflow
2017年11月26日 · What is %:r in vimrc file? Again, it's not anything specific to your vimrc. :r is a file name modifier applied to the current file name. Assuming the current file name is foobar.c, %:r would be expanded to foobar. See :help filename-modifiers. It looks like you are trying to make sense of a command similar to::!gcc % -o %:r
Insert the carriage return character in Vim - Stack Overflow
2013年7月21日 · After much headbanging I'm adding this here even though it's an old question: to insert a literal CR character from a :s command, you must precede it with a backslash or else vim (7.1.314) will convert it to the end of line character appropriate for your fileformat setting. ie …
vim - what is the difference between :.! and :r!? - Stack Overflow
reading up on some vim tips, I came across :r!{command} and :.!{command}, both of which take the output of the shell <command> and put it in the current buffer. I imagine the 'r' to stand for 'read', but how am I to 'translate' the dot in the command above? And: do they have the exact same function? Thanks a lot for your insights! Guba
can't get syntax highlighting to work with R code in vim
2010年3月17日 · Try adding this line to the file filetype.vim. filetype.vim is generally located in the folder ~/.vim. Create the file if it doesn't exist. au! BufNewFile,BufRead *.R,*.Rout,*.r,*.Rhistory,*.Rt,*.Rout.save,*.Rout.fail setf r On startup, vim links all the file extensions listed above to the filetype r, which is likely used by your syntax file.
ide - How to enable vim mode in RStudio - Stack Overflow
2017年11月9日 · Has anyone been able to enable or use vim mode in RStudio? I'm using a new version of RStudio, (3.3.2 (2016-10-31)). The only instructions are from three or four years ago, and the screenshot of the GUI is different than what I use. (tools->global options->code->editing). There's no checkbox to enable it. I am very hopeful that it still exists
Can I have vim highlight code in R markup? - Stack Overflow
2014年8月12日 · As long as there is an r.vim syntax file. You could also automatically call this method every time you open a .Rmd file: autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.Rmd :call TextEnableCodeSnip( 'r', '```{r}', '```', 'SpecialComment') If you wanted to highlight with r followed by any number of characters you can use regular expressions:
vim - Replacing carriage return ^M with Enter - Stack Overflow
2011年5月9日 · %s/\r/\r/g It looks like if it is doing nothing, but in regular expressions and double-quoted strings carriage returns are represented using \r and line feeds with \n, while in the replacement part of :s command and substitute() function they mean the opposite. Note that in terminal Enter produces <C-m>, so your initial request is not valid.