RS-44 (R424A) - RS Cool
Adjust all pressure controls to equivalent RS-44 (R-424A) values. If fitted adjust evaporator pressure regulators to maintain desired space temperatures. Check system charge and add refrigerant if needed to match original charge levels.
R424A制冷剂 | 荣强化工 - roncool.cn
由制冷剂R134A,制冷剂R125,异丁烷混合而成,在常温下为无色气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,是R22的替代品。 R424A制冷剂主要用于制冷系统。 排气温度比R22低,使得系统长期稳定工作,工作压力和R22基本相同,可替代R22。 R424A制冷剂钢瓶为带压容器,储存时应远离火种、热源、避免阳光直接曝晒,通常储放于阴凉、干燥和通风的仓库内;搬运时应轻装、轻卸,防止钢瓶以及阀门等附件破损。 R424A制冷剂在不同设备、不同应用场所最终使用何种冷冻油,应遵 …
El R-424A (RS-44) es una mezcla no inflamable de HFC 134a, HFC 125, iso-pentano, butano e iso-butano, con un ODP = 0, compatible con los lubricantes tradicionales minerales, alquilbencénicos y asimismo con
We at Refrigerant Solutions Ltd (RSL) have developed RS-45 (R434A) as a replacement for R22 which will mirror the performance (eg capacity & COP) across the range from +70C to -350C. But the liquid volume flow is higher than R22 with the result that it is not suitable for use in existing systems with capillary tubes (eg splits, windows, rooftops).
RS-44 is a non flammable blend of HFC 134a, HFC 125, iso-pentane, butane & isobutane which has a zero ODP and is also compatible with both traditional and synthetic lubricants so that a retrofit is not required. RS-44 is a "Drop-in" replacement for R22 providing an easy and at the same time a long term solution.
R424A Refrigerant, alias R-424A. It is a mixture of refrigerant R134A,R125,R600,R600a and R601a. It is a colorless gas at room temperature and a colorless transparent liquid under its own pressure. It is a substitute for R22. Disposable steel cylinders: 11.3kg. Refillable steel cylinders: 800L/926L/ISO-TANK.
R424A - FSW
Generally compatible with mineral oil, however a conversion to POE oil may be required in certain circumstances. Contact the compressor manufacturer for more information. Find our nearest branch 27 branches in the UK & Ireland. FSW Where you need us – When you need us.
R-404A - 百度百科
制冷剂r404a是新装制冷设备上替代 氟利昂 r22 和 r502 的最普遍的工业标准制冷剂(通常为低温冷冻系统),r404a最接近于r-502的运作,它适用于所有r-502可正常运作的环境,r404a得到全球绝大多数的制冷 设备制造商 的认可和使用。但是由于r404a与r502和r22物化性能 ...
Pautas de Reconversión al R-424A (RS-44) - Manuales Frigorificos
2016年12月19日 · El R-424A es una mezcla de gases refrigerantes HFC y HC no azeotrópica, con cero agotamiento a la capa de ozono, utilizada como sustituto directo (drop-in) del R-22 en equipos que dispongan de sistema de expansión fijo (capilar) o regulable (TXV) y con temperaturas de evaporación por encima de -10ºC.
Ficha técnica del R-424 (RS-44) - Manuales Frigorificos
El R-424A es una mezcla de gases refrigerantes HFC y HC no azeotrópica, con cero agotamiento a la capa de ozono, utilizada como sustituto directo (drop-in) del R-22 en equipos que dispongan de sistema de expansión fijo (capilar) o regulable (TXV) y con temperaturas de evaporación por encima de -10ºC.