R-Tank Stormwater Modules - Underground Storage - Ferguson …
R-Tank Stormwater Modules provide efficient and versatile underground storage for stormwater detention, infiltration, and rainwater harvesting. Not to mention, with up to 95% void space, R …
R-Tank provides system height options from 2 inches to over 7 feet tall. It also accommodates HS-20 and HS-25 loading with cover depths as little as 6" and as deep as 16'. R-Tank solves …
R-Tank Underground Runoff Storage - Fabco Industries, Inc
R-Tank modules provide an efficient and versatile underground storage for stormwater runoff to assist with stormwater detention, infiltration and rainwater harvesting applications.
Underground Detention & Retention Systems | R-Tank
The R-Tank® system provides an alternative to stormwater basins and is a highly effective, space saving alternative to other underground systems. Why Do You NEED Modular Versatility? …
Provide and install R-Tank, R-TankHD, or R-TankSD system (hereafter called R-Tank) and all related products including fill materials, geotextiles, geogrids, inlet and outlet pipe with …
• Check the plans to ensure the R-Tanks® are running in the correct direction (north/south vs. east/west) to match the footprint shown on plans (see Fig. 8). • R-Tank® units should fit …
R-Tank Underground Stormwater Systems - Environmental XPRT
R-Tank is among the most efficient options available for underground stormwater systems. When space is at a premium and the smallest possible footprint is needed to free up space for …
RTank® - Site Supply
RTank stormwater systems provide underground storage of stormwater. After a rain event fills the RTank, stormwater can flow into the drainage system, infiltrate into the ground, or be reused.
R-TANK FAQs - Construction EcoServices
R-Tank has been used on hundreds of sites with high water tables. With highly efficient storage capacity (95%) and a variety of available module heights (including the XD at only 2″ tall and …
R-Tank - Ferguson Waterworks - CADdetails
R-Tank is a lightweight, durable, and configurable solution for subsurface stormwater storage. The unit's high void space optimizes storage, reducing assembly, excavation and backfill …