R12 Series Signs - Weight Limit - Traffic Sign
R12 Series Signs - Weight Limit R12-1 Weight Limit png pdf* layout MUTCD R12-2 Axle Weight Limit png pdf* layout MUTCD R12-3 No Trucks Over Empty Weight png pdf* layout MUTCD ... Linked sign layout files in PDF format provided courtesy of FHWA's MUTCD website Unauthorized use of text, images, and other content is strictly prohibited. ...
Chapter 2B - MUTCD 2009 Edition - FHWA - Transportation
05 Posting of specific load limits may be accomplished by use of the Weight Limit symbol sign (R12-5). A sign containing the legend WEIGHT LIMIT on the top two lines, and showing three different truck symbols and their respective weight limits for which restrictions apply may be used, with the weight limits displayed to the right of each symbol ...
Signs Library: Series R | FHWA - Federal Highway Administration
2024年3月20日 · signs library: series r regulatory signs. r1-1 stop; r1-2 yield; r1-2ap to oncoming traffic; r1-3p all way; r1-5al yield here to pedestrians (left) ... r12-1 weight limit 10 tons; r12-2 axle weight limit x tons; r12-3 no truck over xxxx empty wt; r12-4 weight limit x tons per axle xx tons gross; r12-5 weight limit;
R12-5 Weight Limit (with symbols) - Hall Signs
The WEIGHT LIMIT XX TONS PER AXLE, XX TONS GROSS (R12-4) sign is used in areas where multiple vehicle weight limit regulations are applicable, in order to combine the messages onto one sign. This sign is a horizontal rectangle with a …
FHWA - MUTCD - 2003 Edition Revision 1 Chapter 2B - Transportation
The Weight Limit (R12-1) sign carrying the legend WEIGHT LIMIT X t (XX TONS) may be used to indicate vehicle weight restrictions including load. Where the restriction applies to axle weight rather than gross load, the legend may be AXLE WEIGHT LIMIT X t (XX TONS) or AXLE WEIGHT LIMIT XXXX kg (XXXX LBS) (R12-2).
R12-7aP Emergency Vehicle Weight Limit - Hall Signs
This sign is a square shape with a black legend and border on a white background. Retroreflective sign is visible day and night ; Durable, weather-resistant traffic grade aluminum ; Pre-punched with radiused corners and 3/8" mounting holes
Weight Limit Signs (R12-1, R12-2, R12-5) - UpCodes
The Weight Limit (R12-1) sign carrying the legend WEIGHT LIMIT XX TONS may be used to indicate vehicle weight restrictions including load ...
Weight Limit Tons Signs | R12-1 | Rice Signs
This MUTCD R12-1 Weight Limit Sign is made with the highest quality by a trusted national supplier. Enjoy FREE shipping when you purchase this sign today!
Weight Limit Signs (R12-1 Through R12-5) - UpCodes
Posting of specific load limits may be accomplished by use of the Weight Limit symbol sign (R12-5). A sign containing the legend WEIGHT LIMIT on the top two lines, and showing three different truck symbols and their respective weight limits for which restrictions apply may be used, with the weight limits displayed to the right of each symbol as ...
R11, R12, R14 Series Signs | MDSolutions
Our R11, R12, & R14 series signs include road closed, weight limit and and truck route signs. All signs have been fabricated to federal standards and are retroreflective day and night. Please check our R11, R12, & R14 series signs product list for more information on all the signs we offer!