Mercedes-Benz W123 - Wikipedia
The Mercedes-Benz W123 is a range of executive cars produced by German manufacturer Mercedes-Benz from November 1975 to January 1986.
R123 - 百度百科
R-123是一种有机物,分子式为CF3CHCl2,有毒,不可燃。 [1] 由于R-123属于HCFC类物质(第二批受限的 ODS 物质Class II Ozone-depleting Substances)——虽然R-123仍然对 臭氧层 有破坏、并且存在 温室效应,但是R-123的综合性能很好(臭氧消耗潜值ODP值很小、全球变暖潜值GWP值亦较小等)。 R-123制冷剂良好的综合性能使之成为在大型中央空调(离心式冷水机组)中成为R-11(R11、 氟利昂 11、F-11、CFC-11、 一氟三氯甲烷 、Freon 11)制冷剂的最有效 …
[制冷知识] R123制冷剂物理性质及工作压力物性参数表
2017年6月25日 · R-123 的热物性,和它的不可燃性,使之在大型商用空调(离心式压缩机)中成为替代 R-11 的有效的和安全的制冷剂。 适用的冷冻机油有:烷基苯合成油AB(Alkybenzene)、环烷基矿物油MO(Mineral oil)。 • 活塞压缩机倒转能否工作? • 活塞压缩机与活塞氧气压缩机在结构和材质方面有什么不同? 授人以鱼不如授人以渔! 通常与R-123制冷剂配用的冷冻机油有:Capella WF68、Suniso 4GS、LUNARIA KA46、56等;冷冻油的使用应遵照冷冻压缩机和制 …
1976-’85 Mercedes-Benz W123 Buyer’s Guide - Hemmings
2021年11月15日 · When it launched in January 1976, the W123 was very much seen as a continuation of the successful W114/W115 line of midsized Mercedes sedans. Clean lines (some say timeless, some say anonymous; none can deny that they say Mercedes) were credited variously to Friedrich Geiger and Bruno Sacco.
FreonTM 123 is a viable replacement for CFC-11 as a refrigerant and heat-transfer fluid. Because FreonTM 123 has a Workplace Environmental Exposure Level (WEEL) of 50 ppm, its use is limited to applications where it can be effectively contained within the operating equipment.
Freon™ 123 (R-123) Refrigerant | Freon™ Refrigerants
Freon™ 123 refrigerant is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) replacement for the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) R-11 in centrifugal chillers. Benefits of using Freon™ 123 include: Regulations on the long-term use of refrigerants vary by region and application, and may change over time. For the latest information, please visit the Regulations page.
Mercedes-Benz E - W123 Market - CLASSIC.COM
There are 23 Mercedes-Benz E - W123 for sale right now - Follow the Market and get notified with new listings and sale prices.
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R-123 - Refrigerants
EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Colorless, volatile liquid with ethereal and faint sweetish odor. Non-flammable material. Overexposure may cause dizziness and loss of concentration. At higher levels, CNS depression and cardiac arrhythmia may result from exposure. Vapors displace air and can cause asphyxiation in confined spaces.
有关R123所必须了解的十个方面Q&A - 百度文库
Mercedes W123 HISTORY | Mercedeswerks
W123 designates the executive line of cars, manufactured by Mercedes-Benz between 1976 and 1985. The W123 models eclipsed the earlier W114 and W115 models they replaced as the most successful selling Mercedes-Benz cars to date, selling approximately 2.7 million cars. Model names are descriptive of engine size, type of engine and chassis type: