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BEST INC - Midbourg
R‐134A Date: 12 July 2020 ... THE ABOVE PRODUCT PASS OUR ENTERPRISE STANDARD. Dynaflo Co. Ltd., Nana Bhai Lane Fort, Mumbai 400 001, India
通常与R-134a制冷剂配用的 冷冻机 油有:Emkarate RL 32H、RL68H 、RL100H、RL170H、RL220H、ICEMATIC系列、SOLEST系列等;在不同设备、不同应用场所最终使用何种 冷冻油,应遵照冷冻 压缩机 和制冷(空调)设备厂商的建议、或根据该 制冷压缩机 、 制冷设备 使用的 …
Ametron R134a Disposable Cylinder - ametronint.com
Ametron ® 134a is a long-term, environmentally friendly, non-ozone depleting substitute. As a refrigerant, it possesses similar energy efficiency and capacity characteristics as Ametron ® 12 and has an intrinsically low toxicity. Ametron ® 134a is the alternative refrigerant of choice in automobile air-conditioning.
Genetron® 134a (HFC-134a) has been developed by Honeywell to serve as one of the key substitutes for CFCs and HCFCs. Genetron® 134a is a long-term, environmentally safer, non-ozone depleting substitute. As a refrigerant, it possesses similar energy efficiency and capacity characteristics as R-12 and has an intrinsically low toxicity.
To avoid premature disposal of the existing reefer fleet that is using R134a and given the high eficiency and low overall carbon impact of reefers using R134a, the shipping industry requests that regulatory bodies consider a 20-year exemption to allow the continued use of R134a for servicing and the use of R513A as a transitional refrigerant.
imize the performance of FreonTM 134a in these applications. The thermodynamic and physical properties of FreonTM 134a, coupled with its low toxicity, make it a very efficient and safe replacement refrigerant for CFC-12 in many segments of the refrigeration industry, most notably in automotive air conditioning, appliances, small stationary equip...
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R‐134A - Dynaflo
CARCINOGENIC, DEVELOPMENTAL, REPRODUCTIVE, MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: In a two‐year inhalation study, R‐134a, at a concentration of 50,000 ppm, produced an increase in late‐occurring benign testicular tumors, testicular hyperplasia and testicular weight. The no‐effect‐level for this study was 10,000 ppm.
Refrigerant gas R134a with MSDS and COA - Coowor.com
Understand Refrigerant gas R134a with MSDS and COA information in SHANDONG SHING CHEMICAL CO.,LTD company, and quickly obtain the latest quotation, select more quality Refrigerant manufacturers and suppliers on coowor.com
Certificate of Analysis Standard: AHRI 700-2017 Source of Sample: Cylinder Inspection Date: 15.01.2021