R15a - 150 kHz General Purpose AE Sensor - Acoustic Emission …
The R15a is a narrow band resonant sensor with a high sensitivity. The sensor cavity is machined from a solid stainless steel rod, making the sensor extremely rugged and reliable. The ceramic face along with a 30 degree chamfer to cavity electrically isolates the sensor cavity from the structure under test assuring a low noise operation.
R15I-AST - 150 kHz Integral Preamp AE Sensor
Incorporating a low-noise input, 40 dB preamplifier and a filter all inside the sensor housing, these transducers are completely enclosed in metal stainless steel (or aluminum) housings that are treated to minimize RFI/EMI interference.
-frequency rejection. These prop-erties make the sensor very useful for monitoring common structures such as pipelines, vessels, bridges, and storage tanks in petroleum, refineries, chemical plants, offshore platforms, as well as factory and process mo. esponse of the R15α. Calibration based on ASTM E1106; Calibrat. .............
PAC’s integral preamp sensors were specifically engineered to attain high sensitivity and have the capability to drive long cables without the need for a separate preamplifier. Incorporating a low-noise input, 40 dB preamplifier and a filter all inside the sensor housing, these transducers are
R15I-UC - 150 kHz Epoxy Coated Underwater AE Sensor with Integral ...
R15I-UC/R15-UC is an underwater, narrowband sensor with very high sensitivity in the frequency bandwidth 50 – 400 kHz. The sensor features two versions one with an integral preamplifier with 40 dB gain (R15I-UC) and one without (R15-UC).
声发射传感器/前置放大器-美国米斯查斯物理声学公司集团北京代 …
美国米斯查斯物理声学公司集团北京代表处,作为一家高科技公司,PAC公司依靠声发射领域众多的人才和不断创新的技术而使公司得以迅速发展和壮大,且于1985年兼并了当时世界上声发射技术公司──美国Dunegan公司(成立于1968年),而使PAC公司成为世界上大的声 ...
PCA R15a传感器技术参数 - 化工仪器网
R15a传感器由美国PAC生产的一种150kHz谐振式声发射传感器,外壳材料为不锈钢,与地接触的一侧为绝缘材料陶瓷,输出接口为侧面SMA接头。 此 传感器在 50-400kHz频率范围内非常高的灵敏度响应,适合金属的疲劳及裂纹扩展等在线监测,压力容器和结构件在役健康 ...
2024年2月17日 · r15a声发射传感器由美国pac物理声学公司生产,具有高灵敏度、宽频响应等特性,适用于金属疲劳裂纹扩展等在线监测。 本文将详细介绍该传感器的技术特点、应用领域以及实际操作建议。
R15a-★R15a美国PAC物理声学公司声发射传感器及配套磁吸附柔 …
r15a由美国pac生产的一种谐振式声发射传感器,外壳材料为不锈钢,与地接触的一侧为绝缘材料陶瓷,输出接口为侧面sma接头。 详情介绍 R15a 声发射传感器
2023年5月24日 · R15a是一款灵敏度高的窄带谐振传感器。 传感器腔体由坚固的不锈钢杆加工而成,使传感器非常坚固可靠。 传感器的紧凑尺寸使其非常适合在狭窄的空间内进行部署以进行监控。 Alpha系列传感器采用SMA连接器。 α系列包括R3a,R6a,R15a,R30a,R50a,R80a和WSa传感器。 (。 C) R15a是一款灵敏度高的窄带谐振传感器。 传感器腔体由坚固的不锈钢杆加工而成,使传感器非常坚固可靠。 传感器的紧凑...
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