R188 (New York City Subway car) - Wikipedia
The R188 is a class of new technology (NTT) New York City Subway cars built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries for the A Division. The fleet entered service in 2013, displacing the mid-1980s–era R62A cars that operated on the 7 and <7> services, in conjunction with the automation of the IRT Flushing Line's signal system with communications-based ...
R160 (New York City Subway car) - Wikipedia
There are two versions of the R160: the R160A (built by Alstom, numbered 8313–8712, 9233–9802, & 9943–9974) and the R160B (built by Kawasaki, numbered 8713–9232 & 9803–9942). [12] The two car types differ only in a few ways; both …
纽约地铁R160型列车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年9月19日 · 纽约地铁R160型列车 是 美国 纽约地铁 的一个车型,由 法国 阿尔斯通 和 日本 川崎重工业 共同为 B分部各路线 (英语:B Division (New York City Subway)) 打造1,662辆 新技术列车 (英语:New Technology Train)。
List of New York City Subway R-type contracts - Wikipedia
Car types that currently have CBTC: R143, R160, R179, R188, and R211. Car types that will have CBTC in the future: R142, R142A, R262, and R268.
紐約地鐵R160型列車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
紐約地鐵R160型列車 是 美國 紐約地鐵 的一個車型,由 法國 阿爾斯通 和 日本 川崎重工業 共同為 B分部各路線 (英语:B Division (New York City Subway)) 打造1,662輛 新技術列車 (英语:New Technology Train)。
New York City Subway: Active Rolling Stock - Oren's Transit Page
The R160 contract was split in to two different contracts. Alstom built the R160A, which operate in a mix of 4 and 5 car sets, while Kawasaki built the R160B, all of which operate in 5 car sets. The most notable feature on the R160A and R160B cars was the introduction of the "FIND" (Flexible Information and Notice Display) System.
聪鸽的纽约地铁图集 2019-2020版 - 百度贴吧
首款New Technology Train系列车(NTT,新科技列车,在这之后的列车例如R143、R188等都属于NTT);其中部分R142A改造为R188使用。 目前上线纽约地铁2、5号线(R142),4号线(R142A)
R188 Discussion Thread - Page 292 - New York City Subway
2010年12月14日 · I just noticed R188 car (7437) has a blue light around one of the middle doors, similar to the ones on some of the R160A's. Very unusual.
R160 (New York City Subway car) - Your MTA Wiki | Fandom
The R160 cars are configured in either four-car sets or five-car sets. 400 R160A cars (8313–8652 & 9943–9974) are configured as four-car sets and maintained at East New York Yard for the BMT Eastern Division. All four-car sets are assigned to the J, M and Z trains. The remaining 840 R160A cars as well as all R160Bs are configured as five ...
New York City Subway rolling stock - Wikipedia
Since 1999, the R142s, R142As, R143s, R160s, R179s, R188s, and R211s have been added into service. [4][5] All cars built since 1992 (including the now out-of-service R110As and R110Bs) are equipped with digital signs on the front, sides, and interior (except for the R110Bs, which had rollsigns on the front).