R188 (New York City Subway car) - Wikipedia
The R188 is a class of new technology (NTT) New York City Subway cars built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries for the A Division.
紐約地鐵R188型列車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
紐約地鐵R188型列車是紐約地鐵 A分部的 新技術列車 ( 英语 : New Technology Train ) ,由川崎重工制造。 506輛列車在2013年投入營運,取代1980年代在7號線營運的 R62 ( 英语 : R62 (New York City Subway car) ) 及 R62A ( 英语 : R62A (New York City Subway car) ) 型列 …
R188 Discussion Thread - New York City Subway - NYC Transit …
2010年12月14日 · R188 (10 eleven car sets) - Delivery is slated for the 4th quarter of 2012. These 23 cars, will make up 2 new 11 car trains. The 23rd car will be inserted with a converted R142A. MTA also holds options for an additional 473 cars. (123 new cars, and 350 R142A converted cars.)
IRT Flushing Line: R188 (7) Train Ride from Flushing Main
During 2 weekends, Nov 23-25 and Nov 30-Dec 2, Sat 12:15 AM to Mon 5:00 AM, 7 trains runs in Queens between Flushing Main Street and Queensboro Plaza, every ...
纽约地铁R188型列车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
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New Technology Train - Wikipedia
New Technology Train (NTT) [1][2][3] is the collective term for the modern passenger fleet of the New York City Subway that has entered service since the turn of the 21st century. This includes the current R142, R142A, R143, R160, R179, R188 and R211 models, along with the planned R262 and R268 models.
Kawasaki R188 - CPTDB Wiki
The R188 is a type of subway car built by Kawasaki Rail Car for the New York City Subway. This series is composed of 126 new cars built from 2012 to 2016 and 380 R142A conversion cars originally built from 1999 to 2002. The R188 cars are used by the A Division and run exclusively on the IRT Flushing Line.
R188 (New York City Subway Cars)
The R188 is a New York City Subway Car by Kawasaki for the New York City Subway. This series is composed of 126 new cars built from 2012 to 2016 and 380 R142A conversation cars originally built from 1999 to 2002. The R188 are used exclusively on the IRT Flushing Line. The R188 also has Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC). R188 on the 7 line
r188 photos on Flickr
A pair of Flushing Line IRT 7 trains made of up R188 conversion cars meet as they head in and out of the 33rd Street/Rawson Street station. The train on the left is bound for Main Street/Flushing in Queens while the train on the right is heading toward 34th …
紐約地鐵R188型列車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
紐約地鐵R188型列車是紐約地鐵 A分部的 新技術列車 ( 英語 : New Technology Train ) ,由川崎重工製造。 506輛列車在2013年投入營運,取代1980年代在7號線營運的 R62 ( 英語 : R62 (New York City Subway car) ) 及 R62A ( 英語 : R62A (New York City Subway car) ) 型列 …