FamilyTreeDNA Discover - Y-DNA Haplogroup R-Z284
With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup R-Z284 was born between the years 2817 and 1648 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2192 BCE , rounded to 2200 BCE .
Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA) - Eupedia
This was the first wave of R1a into Europe, the one that brought the Z283 subclade to Germany and the Netherlands, and Z284 to Scandinavia. The Corded Ware R1a people would have mixed with the pre-Germanic I1 and I2 aborigines, which resulted in the first Indo-European culture in Germany and Scandinavia, although that culture could not be ...
Haplogroup R1a - Wikipedia
R1a is virtually composed only of the Z284 subclade in Scandinavia. In Slovenia, the main subclade is Z282 (Z280 and M458), although the Z284 subclade was found in one sample of a Slovenian.
The phylogenetic and geographic structure of Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a
2014年3月26日 · The R1a-Z284 subgroup is confined to Northwest Europe and peaks at ∼ 20% in Norway, where the majority of R1a chromosomes (24/26) belong to this clade. We found R1a-Z284 to be extremely rare...
父系单倍群R1a - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
通过对休谟dna项目的分析,证明苏格兰哲学家、历史学家和经济学家大卫·休谟(1711-1776)属于单倍群r1a-z284(cts4179分支)。 这个分支是最常见的苏格兰R1a分支,它被认为是起源于来自挪威的维京人。
From Stone to Bronze in prehistoric Scandinavia - Genomic Atlas
2022年12月30日 · In Europe, R1a-Z284 reaches its peak in the northern, northeastern and northwestern parts of Norway and Sweden. Three Nordic clusters become one Allentoft and colleagues investigated the fine-scale genetic structure in southern Scandinavia after the arrival of steppe-related ancestry into the region.
Phylogenetic trees of Y-chromosomal haplogroups - Eupedia
The main clades within a haplogroup often match large ethnico-linguistic groups, which are usually displayed with a defining SNP (e.g. E-V13, G2a-L497, J1-P58, R1a-M458, R1b-U106). These main clades were for the most part formed during the Neolithic or Bronze Age.
Y-DNA haplogroup R1a - Indo-European Connection
Y-DNA haplogroup R1a. This haplogroup originated around 25000 BC to 22000 BC in the populations of Eastern European Hunter-Gatherers connected genetically to Ancient North Eurasians. The earliest subclades R1a-Z645 and R1a …
R-Z284 YTree - yfull.com
home a0-t a1 a1b bt ct cf f ghijk hijk ijk k k2 k2b p p-v1651 p-m1254 p-p337 p-p284 p-p226 r r-y482 r1 r1a r-m459 r-m735 r-m198 r-m417 r-z645 r-z283 r-z282 r-y2395 r-z289 R-Z284 Y2397/FGC11883 * Z286 * Z284/S221 +1 SNPs formed 4700 ybp, TMRCA 4200 ybp info
R1a-M420 is one of the most widely spread Y-chromosome haplogroups; however, its substructure within Europe and Asia has remained poorly characterized. Using a panel of 16 244 male subjects from...