star wars - How old is R2-D2 and where did he originate? - Science ...
2017年10月25日 · Droids in the Star Wars universe are occasionally memory wiped so not to build up personality quirks, this hasn't happened to R2-D2, but it explains why he is unique. Share Improve this answer
What was the inspiration for the design of R2-D2?
2020年8月15日 · Subsequently, some of the earliest variations of R2-D2 looked like a droid setting on top of a sphere just as McQuarrie mentioned in the interview. However, due to technical limitations of the time this concept of Artoo had to be reworked into something slightly different and similar to the droid we all know and recognize today.
star wars - Is it possible to understand what R2-D2 is saying ...
2013年1月3日 · How can I understand voice of an astromech like R2-D2? Is it like an advanced version of Morse code or something similar? I want to know the full encoding details of an astromech's voice so that I can understand it the next time I watch Star Wars.
star wars - Did Darth Vader ever talk to R2-D2 again? - Science …
2015年1月23日 · Within the established Disney/Lucasfilm canon (the six theatrical movies, Clone Wars TV series, Clone Wars film and Star Wars : Rebels TV Series) Darth never spoke with R2D2 again, although they did briefly interact in 'A New Hope'.
How does R2-D2 - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2020年12月22日 · Additionally, this bit of trivia on R2-D2’s operational state is official canon as well; bold emphasis is mine: “However, by the time of the Galactic Civil War, R2-D2’s boosters had not worked in ages, and his warranty was long expired.” So rocket jets/boosters can be …
Why are R2-D2 and C-3PO spelled phonetically in outside media?
2011年9月21日 · I think it just comes down to convenience for writers. When you're typing it takes a lot of effort to continuously right R2-D2 (shift + r, release shift hit 2, hit -, shift + d, release shift hit 2) compared to Artoo-Detoo (shift a, release shift hit rtoo, hit -, shift d, release shift hit etoo).
Why was R2-D2 smarter than other similar droids?
2015年4月13日 · I think R2-D2 never had a memory wipe and that is what makes him special. Also, he is like a soldier, always rushing to a fight. In Star Wars episode 4 C-3PO didn't want to search for Obi-Wan, but R2-D2 rushed to search for the Jedi, just like a soldier. In the Clone Wars he is almost the same. They always trust R2-D2 to do some special robot ...
Did R2-D2 ever meet Yoda prior to Yoda's exile on Dagobah?
In the last episodes of season 6 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, R2-D2 actually visits Dagobah with Yoda during Yoda's trials to learn the art of maintaining one's individuality in the cosmic force after death. So in answer to this question, yes, R2-D2 and Yoda have met before. Why doesn't he remember Yoda or Dagobah?
Is there only one R2-D2 droid in the galaxy or were other R2-D2 …
2012年8月28日 · In fact, R2-D2 is usually referred to simply as Artoo, which is a specifier used as a generic for all astromech droids. The interesting thing is that C-3PO introduces R2 as R2-D2, without any further specificity, indicating that either C-3PO is using the human naming convention, or that R2-D2 is in fact unique.
What made R2-D2 reactivate in “The Force Awakens?”
2015年12月18日 · Or at least somehow recognized her visually or by sound when she was nearby. C-3PO makes it very clear that R2-D2 has been in self-imposed “low power mode” (aka: deep droid depression) since Luke went into hiding. Heck, R2-D2 is covered with a sheet when BB-8 first finds him. Then R2-D2 suddenly “snaps out of it” when who arrives? Rey!