R2-C4 (Naboo) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R2-C4 was an R2 series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that belonged to the Space Fighter Corps of the Royal House of the planet Naboo, often serving in the astromech socket of the N-1 starfighter Bravo 6.[1]
R2-C4 (disambiguation) - Wookieepedia
R2-C4 may refer to one of the following: Canon [] R2-C4, a droid that served the Royal Naboo Security Forces; R2-C4, a droid assisting Bail Organa; R2-C4, a droid that served the New Republic and later the Resistance; Legends [] R2-C4, a …
RPGGamer.org (Characters D6 / R2-C4 (R2 series astromech droid))
Description: R2-C4 was an R2 series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton that belonged to the Space Fighter Corps of the Royal House of the planet Naboo, often serving in the astromech socket of the N-1 starfighter Bravo 6.
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R2-D3 (R2-C4) Background Droid
Die-hard Star Wars fans can tell you what his name is and can pinpoint what movie he appeared in. To make things more interesting, this droid is sometimes referred to as R2-C4. In the end, I usually explain that he is a "background droid" from Episode 1 and that seems to clear things up, for the most part.
R2-C4 | The Clone Wars | Fandom
R2-C4 was the astromech droid used by Bail Organa during the Galactic Empire era. R2-C4 first appeared in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch season two episode "The Clone Conspiracy". "The Clone Conspiracy" "Truth and Consequences"
R2-C4 Astromech Droid Series I The Saga Collection - Galactic …
The behind-the-scenes workers of the Old Republic, the New order and the Rebellion, these astromech droids have all played their part in assisting smugglers, bounty hunters, heroes and villains throughout the galaxy! Serves Queen Amidala and her retinue.
R2-C4 (Naboo) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R2-C4, or "Seefor", was a yellow R2-series astromech droid produced by Industrial Automaton. Queen Amidala's royal starship held a complement of droids, one of which was R2-C4.[1] During the Battle of Naboo, this droid was present in the Theed Hangar with a …
R2-C4 - スター・ウォーズの鉄人!
黄色い R2ユニット の R2-C4 は、 R2-D2 と共に ナブー の ロイヤル・スターシップ に搭乗していた アストロメク・ドロイド である。 通商連合 の封鎖を突破する際、他の ドロイド たちは船外で 偏向シールド発生装置 の修理を行っていたために大半が破壊されてしまったが、R2-C4は船内でエンジンの修理に当たっていたため難を逃れることができた。 その後、彼は ブラボー中隊 の ギャヴィン・サイキス 中尉 と共にブラボー6として ナブーの宇宙戦 に参加し、幸運にも …
R2-C4 (Kazuda Xiono) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R2-C4, also known as "C4," was a New Republic astromech droid that operated approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor. R2-C4 accompanied a New Republic squadron, led by pilot Kazuda Xiono, on their mission to deliver intel to Resistance Commander Poe Dameron. R2-C4 rode in the astromech socket of Xiono's T-85 X-wing starfighter.