Refrigerant GWP Chart For 61 Freons (R410A, R134A, R22, etc.)
Most common refrigerants like R410A, R22, and R134A have a GWP of about 2,000. That means they are about 2,000 worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. GWP of the most commonly …
常见制冷剂的ODP、GWP,安全分类 - 建环视界
GWP是温室气体排放所产生的气候影响的指标,表示在一定时间内(20年、100年、500年),某种温室气体的温室效应对应于相同效应的CO 2 的质量,CO 2 的GWP=1.0。 通常基于100年 …
元植永續小教室 Vol.7|R-22 和 R-600a 為何不列入排放量計算?
在碳盤查的實務中,不同類型的冷媒是否需要計入溫室氣體排放量,取決於其全球暖化潛勢(gwp)數據以及所屬的管控範圍。 本篇將聚焦於 R-600a 與 R-22 冷媒,並解析其在 ISO …
High-GWP Refrigerants - California Air Resources Board
The most common refrigerant today, R-22, has a 100-year GWP of 1,810, almost 2,000 times the potency of carbon dioxide, so just one pound of R-22 is nearly as potent as a ton of carbon …
Chlorodifluoromethane - Wikipedia
As an additional environmental concern, R-22 is a powerful greenhouse gas with a GWP equal to 1810 (which indicates 1810 times as powerful as carbon dioxide). Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) …
Refrigerants - Environmental Properties - The Engineering ToolBox
Common refrigerants and their Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP) are indicated below. Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a measure of how much a …
R22 Refrigerant - Properties - The Engineering ToolBox
2) GWP - The GWP, or Global Warming Potential. A measurement (usually measured over a 100-year period) of how much effect a refrigerant will have on Global Warming in relation to …
2019年5月15日 · 目前在家用空调和热泵中广泛应用的制冷剂是r22,它属于臭氧消耗物质hcfc,根据蒙特利尔议定书,我国到2030年将淘汰所有制造业hcfc的生产与消费[1]。 R22的替代制冷 …
主流空调制冷剂R22、R410a、R32、R290比较 - 建环视界
R32的ODP=0,GWP=675,属于绿色环保制冷剂,是R22的一个重要替代品,目前在欧美、日本等国家的家用空调中已有大量应用。 R290的化学成分为丙烷(CH 3 CH 2 CH 3),毒性很 …
2023年8月9日 · 由大金研发,主要用于替代空调和热泵领域的r22和r410a制冷剂,r32较r22可以提升约10% 能效,较 r410a的gwp值,r32是其1/3。 在此之前,制冷剂在可燃性方面非黑即白, …