star wars - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2017年10月25日 · According to LucasFilm Timeline, R2D2 was manufactured just before 32 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin). Manufacturer: Industrial Automaton . Reference of BBY from movie: 1. The Battle to destroy Death Star in Star Wars - A New Hope (Episode IV) is known as Battle of Yavin. 2. The movie story of Star Wars - The Phantom Menace (Episode I) was ...
star wars - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2015年1月23日 · Darth just misses R2D2 during the Hoth escape. They're both (briefly) in Cloud City together. Once again, they fail to meet up, even for drinks or a chat. Possibly R2D2 is still sore about the whole "shot me in the head" thing. Return of the Jedi. They're both on the surface of Endor during the rebel assault sequence. Once more, they fail to ...
Why was R2D2 in Star Trek? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack …
2015年8月2日 · The answer is simple: Because JJ Abrams can. From Yahoo movies: "R2's really been in all of the movies I've done, really for no other reason than I'm a huge fan, and when I was a kid I realized that R2 was also in 'Close Encounters,'" Abrams told us at last night's "Star Trek Into Darkness" Blu-ray release party.
Is it possible to understand what R2-D2 is saying?
2013年1月3日 · I often find myself in Null Void when someone talks to an astromech droid flawlessly. How can I understand voice of an astromech like R2-D2?
What happened to R2-D2? - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack …
2015年12月21日 · But indeed, the quotes given merely state enforced immobility, but not by whom or how it was enforced. Might have been Ben or Luke as well, if 3PO's claim is actually true and R2 isn't really in some shock state - "minimum maintenance" would pretty much make sense for a sufficiently damaged droid as well, giving others more time to salvage/restore it at a more …
What was the inspiration for the design of R2-D2?
2020年8月15日 · George Lucas apparently admitted that the inspiration behind the "look" of R2-D2 was the trio of Huey, Louie, and Dewey from Doug Trumbull's film Silent Running, which was released five years before A New Hope.
Why did R2-D2 not fly in Return of the Jedi?
2011年3月8日 · This obviously looks like an afterthought explanation but here is what I found : The magazine, Star Wars Insider Issue 62, explains that R2's manufacturers at Industrial Automation had limited their factory warranty on astromech rockets to about 20 years, which would explain why R2 doesn't have his rockets in the Original Trilogy.
Why was R2-D2 smarter than other similar droids?
2015年4月13日 · There was an episode of the Clone Wars animated series, Downfall of a Droid, where R2D2 was lost in battle and ended up in General Grievous' hands, and Anakin had to confess he never wiped R2's memory.
star wars - R2D2 sounds similar to "Arturito" when spoken out …
2016年1月21日 · R2D2 sounds very similar to "Arturito" when spoken out loud. Arturito is a diminutive form of the name Arturo, which is the Spanish equivalent of the name Arthur. Furthermore, in the prequels he is often referred to as just …
Why did Lucas choose to keep memory of R2-D2?
2017年4月13日 · Throughout A New Hope, C3PO is bumbling and clueless, while R2D2 is stubbornly holding a secret of great importance regarding Obi-Wan Kenobi and the twins. By allowing R2 to retain his knowledge, Lucas might have intended to mirror their characterizations and relationship at the beginning of the series.