R3-D3 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R3-D3 was an R3-series astromech droid active during the Galactic Civil War.[1] Star Wars Rebels — "Homecoming" (First appearance) "Homecoming" Episode Guide | Star Wars …
R3-D3 | Legacy Wiki | Fandom
R3-D3, pronounced Arthree-Deethree and often referred to as R3 (Arthree), was an R3-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton with masculine programming. A smart, …
R3-series astromech droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The R3-series astromech droid was part of the line of R-series astromech droids manufactured by Industrial Automaton. Thanks to their Intellex V processors, R3 astromechs had faster …
Star Wars POTJ Star Tours R3-D3 Action Figure - amazon.com
Power of the Jedi Star Wars Star Tours R3-D3 Action Figure. Vintage on Blister Card. Factory Sealed. Carded Action Figure.
- 评论数: 14
R3-D3 | 哆啦A夢wiki | Fandom
r3-d3是《哆啦a夢》中的一個機器人角色,其名字和樣貌都是戲仿知名電影《星際大戰》中的機器人角色r2-d2。 在《哆啦A夢》中,R3-D3是里巴特星的機器人,為亞烈卡娜公主的隨從,降落 …
R3-D3 Character Profile - figurerealm.com
R3-D3 was an R3-series astromech droid assigned to the maintenance of the StarSpeeder 3000 line of ships. R3 series astromechs were usually not used in sockets of craft as navigators due …
R3-D3 | ドラえもん Wiki | Fandom
「r3-d3」は「r2-d2」のパロディ版である。 r2-d2:映画『スター・ウオーズ』シリーズの登場人物(ドロイド)である。彼はアールツーという愛称でも呼ばれている宇宙用アストロメク・ …
R3-D3 - POTJ - Star Tours - jeditemplearchives.com
One such retool was R3-D3, a fantastic looking R3-series astromech droid that could be seen while waiting in line for the Starspeeder 3000 voyage into the galaxy. The only R3-series droid …
R3-D3 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
R3-D3 was an R3-series astromech droid working for Star Tours. R3-D3 was in the Droidnostics Center of the Tomorrowland Starport with other damaged droids waiting to be repaired around …
美的空调的后面A3,R3,B3,D3到底是什么意思啊 - 百度知道
A跟R是老外机,B跟D是新外机,A跟B是变频,R跟D是定速,3是能效等级。 A3是最差的3级能耗标示。 空调效能等级是空调的能效比,是额定制冷量与额定功耗的比值。 通俗地说,就是消 …