File:SADC road sign R311-P.svg - Wikipedia
English: Parking for midi-buses. This image is derived from the SADC-RTSM, a convention of the Southern African Development Community designed to provide uniform traffic control devices throughout member countries. This image and its specifications were designed by the South African Department of Transport on behalf of SADC.
R311.1 Means of egress. Dwellings shall be provided with a means of egress in accordance with this section. The means of egress shall provide a continuous and unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal egress travel from all portions of the dwelling to the required egress door without requiring travel through a garage.
R311.7 - Digital Codes
R311.7.1 Width. Stairways shall be not less than 36 inches (914 mm) in clear width at all points above the permitted handrail height and below the required headroom height. The clear width of stairways at and below the handrail height, including treads and landings, shall be not less than 31 1 / 2 inches (787 mm) where a handrail is installed ...
R311.8 - Digital Codes
Section R311.8.1 requires ramps that serve the egress door required by Section R311.2 to have a maximum slope of 1 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (8.3-percent), unless it is technically infeasible to do so. For ramps serving other exterior doors or located within the dwelling unit, or where it is technically infeasible for a ramp serving ...
R311.2 Egress Door - UpCodes
R311.2 Building Planning, Egress Door Not less than one egress door shall be provided for each dwelling unit. The egress door shall be side-hinged, and shall provide a clear width ...
Mini-Buses Sign R311: Reserved for Midi-Buses Sign R312: Reserved for Delivery Vehicles Sign R313: Reserved for Goods Vehicles Sign R314: Reserved for Goods Vehicles Exceeding 10 Tonnes GVM Sign R315: Reserved for Construction Vehicles Sign R316: Reserved for Vehicles transporting Dangerous
R311.4 - Digital Codes
R311.4 Vertical egress. Egress from habitable levels including habitable attics and basements that are not provided with an egress door in accordance with Section R311.2 shall be by a ramp in accordance with Section R311.8 or a stairway in accordance with Section R311.7.
Regulatory Signs | Signs-R-Us
Regulatory signs are used to control the actions of road users in the sense that they are legally required to take or not to take specific action as indicated by such signs. Failure to obey regulatory signs is an offence in terms of various acts, regulations, ordinances and by laws.
File:SADC road sign R311-P.svg - Wikimedia Commons
2016年3月24日 · English: Parking for midi-buses. This image is derived from the SADC-RTSM, a convention of the Southern African Development Community designed to provide uniform traffic control devices throughout member countries. This image and its specifications were designed by the South African Department of Transport on behalf of SADC.
R311 Tina usb gadget ncm wrong ndp sign 问题修复
2022年9月10日 · 接入 Windows 之后,启用该网卡,会不停的输出 "Wrong NDP SIGN",并且无法相互 ping 通。 分析发现因为 ncm->ndp_sign 的值等于 0,未被正确赋值。(f_ncm.c)