R-32 Refrigerant Fact & Info Sheet - Refrigerant HQ
2018年12月10日 · R-32 along with R-125 are some of the most versatile refrigerants used today. While we are used to using R-32 as a blend it is also seeing a rise of usage in residential and commercial air conditioners. This rise started in the eastern countries like Japan, Korea, India, and now Australia.
R32 Refrigerant, 20 Lb. Cylinder - Johnstone Supply
For use in equipment designed for R32; Applications include heat pumps and chillers, mini-split, multi-split, and ducted-split units, window units and portable AC, and PTACs; Uses left hand threaded connection
2024年7月9日 · R32是一种单 一成 分的HFC制冷剂,具有较低的GWP值,约为R410A的一半。 它在制冷效率上与R410A相当,但对环境的影响较小。 R32在一定条件下可燃,因此在设计和安装使用R32的系统时,必须采取额外的防火措施,确保安全操作。 R32可燃,安全等级为A2L。 R32存在爆炸的可能性,其爆炸极限为14.4% ~ 29.3%。 R32的制冷性能与R410a接近,在相同制冷量条件下,R32的填充量要少于R410a(约减少30%),但排气温度高于R410a。 R32 …
2024年9月2日 · r32制冷剂,化学名为二氟甲烷,分子式为ch2f2,是一种被广泛应用在空调和其他制冷设备中的制冷剂。 无色、无味、a2级燃烧性的制冷剂,它与r410a性能相近,但拥有零臭氧损耗(odp=0)和较低全球变暖潜能(gwp=675),优于r410a和r22,主要特点如下:
Refrigerant R32, 0.78kg,1L steel bottle - ROTHENBERGER
The ROTHENBERGER R32 refrigerant is used for filling or refilling air conditioning systems and heat pumps. Choosen variant : Refrigerant R32, 0.78kg,1L steel bottle Article number : 170960
R32 Refrigerant with Fast & Free Shipping | Order Now - Royal …
R32 is a next-generation hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerant with low global warming potential (GWP), making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional options like R410A. It’s becoming the go-to solution for those seeking top-notch performance without compromising the planet.
制冷剂:R32 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
r32基本性能: 二氟甲烷,分子式:ch2f2。 物理性质:为无色、无味、轻微燃烧(a2级别)。冷媒r410a是无毒,不可燃(a1级别)不爆炸、无毒、可燃,但仍然是安全的制冷剂。 r32的热力学性能与r410a相近。 r22gwp值675。 r32与r410a性能对比
一张图看懂R32制冷剂是什么?_空调 - 搜狐
2019年6月24日 · R32是二氟甲烷的简称,是一种拥有零臭氧损耗潜势的冷却剂,在常温下为气体,在自身压力下为无色透明液体,易溶于油,难溶于水。 提及R32,就不得不回顾空调制冷剂的应用历史,以及一些常用制冷剂。 R22是一种曾统治空调行业数十年时间的制冷剂,由于对臭氧层危害较大,根据《蒙特利尔协定》和《京都议定书》的约定,该制冷剂的退出时限越来越近。 因而,寻找合适的替代冷媒一直是近几年空调行业的重任。 正是在这样的大背景下,R410A …
R-32 is the most balanced refrigerant in terms of environmental impact, energy efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Refrigerant is a medium for conveying heat. Air conditioners transfer heat while circulating refrigerant between the indoor and outdoor units.
R32 Facts You Need to Know - HVAC Distributors
2025年1月15日 · R32 is the future of refrigeration, but why is it the right choice to replace R410A? R-32 is a non-proprietary commodity used in over 130 countries by over 50 OEMs & installed in 230+ million systems worldwide.