PowerEdge R340 1U Rack Server for Small Business | Dell USA
Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 is a one-socket rack server in a dense 1U form factor, designed for productivity and data intensive applications for remote offices.
The PowerEdge R340 is single-socket rack server in a dense 1U form factor designed for productivity and data intensive applications for remote office/branch offices featuring the Intel® Xeon® E-2100 and E-2200 processor family. Topics: • Processor features • Supported processors • Chipset. Processor features
PowerEdge R340 机架式服务器 - Dell
Dell EMC PowerEdge R340是一款采用高密度1U外形规格的单插槽机架式服务器,专为提高远程办公室生产力和数据密集型应用程序的性能而设计。 各类服务器类型、推荐、采购等需求详询400-885-9837!官方正品,原厂认证售后!
The Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 is a single-socket 1U rack server designed for productivity and data intensive applications for remote ofice/branch ofices. The Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 boosts business productivity, provides the flexibility to scale, and automates daily tasks.
Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 Technical Specifications Guide
The technical and environmental specifications of your system are outlined in this section. All fields are required unless marked otherwise. Was this article helpful?
Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 是一款单插槽 1U 机架服务 器,专为远程办公室/分支办公室的生产力和数据密集型 应用而设计。 1 基于 Dell EMC 内部分析,将 R340 与上一代产品进行比较。2019 年 9 月
戴尔易安信PowerEdge R340 机架式服务器 - 中关村在线
ZOL中关村在线提供戴尔易安信PowerEdge R340 机架式服务器系列服务器所有单品的型号、报价、配置、评测、行情、图片、论坛、点评、视频、驱动下载等内容,以及戴尔易安信PowerEdge R340 机架式服务器系列服务器的经销商报价,为您购买戴尔易安信PowerEdge R340 机架式 ...
Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 系统概览 Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 系统是 1U 服务器,支持: • 一个英特尔至强、酷睿 i3、奔腾或赛扬处理器 • 四个 DIMM 插槽 • 两个交流电源装置 • 多达八个 2.5 英寸或四个 3.5 英寸 SAS、SATA 驱动器。 有关更多信息,请参阅技术规格部分。
Support for PowerEdge R340 | Drivers & Downloads | Dell US
The Dell EMC PowerEdge R340 is a single-socket 1U rack server designed for productivity and data intensive applications for remote office/branch offices.
戴尔(DELL)PowerEdge R340 机架式服务器_北京戴鑫旺达科技 …
r340 可灵活地增加计算、存储和内存容量。 通过选择4核或6核英特尔至强 e-2100 处理器,改进计算性能和同时运行多个应用程序的能力. 借助多达8个2.5"内部热插拔硬盘或4个3.5"热插拔硬盘,为数据增长提供保障