R-36 (missile) - Wikipedia
The R-36 (Russian: Р-36) is a family of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and space launch vehicles (Tsyklon) designed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The original R-36 was deployed under the GRAU index 8K67 and was given the NATO reporting name SS-9 Scarp.
R-36 (SS-18 “Satan”) - Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The The R-36 (NATO: SS-18 “Satan”) is an intercontinental-range, silo-based, liquid propellant ballistic missile initially developed by the Soviet Union and now the Russian Federation. It is believed that a total of six versions have existed since the program’s inception, with only the Mod 6’s still operationally deployed. 1
R-36M弹道导弹 - 百度百科
R-36M弹道导弹(俄文:Р-36M,英文:R-36M, SALT:RS-20,美国国防部及 北约代号:SS-18 Satan "撒旦")是俄罗斯在苏联时期研制的多弹头洲际弹道导弹,是世界上体积最大、威力最大的现役导弹。 [3] 该导弹在编号上延续了R-36弹道导弹,但由于R-36无法满足军方需求,因而进行了重新设计,大幅提高了性能和可靠性,具备了很多第四代战略导弹的技术和战略思想特点。 截止2000年9月,该各型该导弹共进行150次发射,除4次研发时代的发射失败以外,全部成功。 …
R-36M | 15A14 | SS-18 | Satan| RS-20 - RussianSpaceWeb.com
Developed in the early 1970s, the R-36M became the largest ballistic missile ever deployed by the Soviet strategic forces. Known in the West as SS-18 Satan, the missile remained in armaments of the Russian military at the turn of the 21st century.
R-36洲际弹道导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
R-36洲际导弹 (俄语:Р-36, 北约代号:SS-9 悬崖)是 苏联 乌克兰南方设计局在 冷战 期间设计的 洲际弹道导弹,也是苏联第一款 多目标重返大气层载具。 其改进型 R-36M (北约代号:SS-18 撒旦),则是世界上体积最大,威力最大的现役导弹 [来源请求],射程1.6万公里。 R-36M2 每枚导弹可搭载10枚当量55万至75万吨的分导式 核弹头,或2000万吨当量的单一核弹头,后者相当于1300个 广岛原子弹 威力。 一枚撒旦洲际导弹可摧毁一个中型国家。 一些 美国 分析家认为这 …
R-36洲際彈道導彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
R-36洲際導彈 (俄語:Р-36, 北約代號:SS-9 懸崖)是 蘇聯 烏克蘭南方設計局在 冷戰 期間設計的 洲際彈道飛彈,也是蘇聯第一款 多目標重返大氣層載具。 其改進型 R-36M (北約代號:SS-18 撒旦),則是世界上體積最大,威力最大的現役導彈 [來源請求],射程1.6萬公里。 R-36M2 每枚導彈可搭載10枚當量55萬至75萬噸的分導式 核彈頭,或2000萬噸當量的單一核彈頭,後者相當於1300個 廣島原子彈 威力。 一枚撒旦洲際導彈可摧毀一個中型國家。 一些 美國 分析家認為這 …
R36M (SS-18 Satan) Russian Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
Salt 1 permits the Soviet Union to deploy 310 of these terrifying weapons. Dimensions: Length about 121 feet 4 inches; diameter about 10 feet 6 inches. Launch weight: About 485,000 pounds. Range: Estimated at 7,456 miles; Mod 3 greater.
R-36M彈道飛彈(SS-18):發展沿革,研製背景,早期型,多彈頭型,技術特 …
R-36M彈道飛彈(俄文:Р-36,英文:R-36M Missile,北約代號:SS-18 "Satan",譯文:撒旦)是俄羅斯在蘇聯時期研製的多彈頭洲際彈道飛彈,是世界上體積最大、威力最大... RS-28彈道飛彈
R-36M / SS-18 SATAN - Russian / Soviet Nuclear Forces
The R-36m / SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile is a large, two-stage, tandem, storable liquid-propellant inertial guided missile developed to replace the SS-9 ICBM. Housed in hard silos, the highly accurate fourth generation SS-18 ICBM is larger than the Peacekeeper, the most modern deployed US ICBM.
SS-18 Satan/R-36M2 Voyevoda - Missile Defense Advocacy …
Cold Launch Capability Unlike its American counterpart, the Minuteman III, the R-36M2 is a cold-launched weapon system. This ability, as outlined above, allows for the missile to be fired without severely damaging the silo in which it used to be housed.
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