The short, tragic life of R4-P17 - Jedi Council Forums
2005年5月22日 · The new R4-P17 sported an R2-series dome and would eventually become the prototype for other integrated droid navigators aboard the Jedi Aethersprite fighters. R4-P17 received a full astromech body during the Clone Wars when Kenobi adopted the newer Eta-2 Actis interceptor starfighter.
The short, tragic life of R4-P17 | Page 6 | Jedi Council Forums
2005年5月22日 · The new R4-P17 sported an R2-series dome and would eventually become the prototype for other integrated droid navigators aboard the Jedi Aethersprite fighters. R4-P17 received a full astromech body during the Clone Wars when Kenobi adopted the newer Eta-2 Actis interceptor starfighter.
R2-R2 and R4-P17 Interview!! | Jedi Council Forums
2013年12月4日 · R2-R2 and R4-P17 Interview!! Discussion in 'Star Wars Community' started by Matt1234, Dec 3, 2013.
The short, tragic life of R4-P17 | Page 3 | Jedi Council Forums
2005年5月24日 · I hear R4's clone comes out in Episode 4. Jedi Council Forums > Star Wars Films and Lucasfilm Projects > Star Wars Films Archive > Archive: Revenge of the Sith >
R4-P17 - a personal distraction | Jedi Council Forums
2003年2月11日 · I have heard something in R4-P17's voice. Something that seriously distracts me everytime I watch AOTC. See, he sounds different from R2. A lot different. For R4-P17 sounds almost exactly like Sweep. Now, I'm not sure if you Americans have Sooty and Sweep/Sooty and Co/Sooty and whatever.
The short, tragic life of R4-P17 | Page 4 | Jedi Council Forums
2005年5月25日 · I can almost guarantee you that the R2/R4 romance will be recounted in HIGHLY raunchy and confusing detail in some disgusting fanfic. God, I love this thread. WeaponX195 , May 24, 2005
The - OFFICIAL - R4-P17 Society Thread | Page 2 | Jedi Council …
2003年2月5日 · The - OFFICIAL - R4-P17 Society Thread ... Maybe all of our wishes will come true and R4 will make an ...
What about R4? | Jedi Council Forums
2005年5月11日 · A quick question about R4-P17, Obi-Wan's starfigher droid from Clones. Is he in Revenge of the Sith? I read an old article in a Star Wars magazine yesterday, and it mentioned R4 and I realized I like that little droid. I might not be devestated if he is not in ROTS, I'll see it as a big bonus if he is. So, yes or no, is he in ROTS?
The - OFFICIAL - R4-P17 Society Thread | Page 3 | Jedi Council …
2003年3月21日 · Well, then, let the most bizarre duel in the history of the Jedi Council forums BEGIN! We should have a seperate thread for all the poems or something
The short, tragic life of R4-P17 | Page 5 | Jedi Council Forums
2005年6月1日 · I think it was R4 who warned the rebels about the original Death Star. I bet R4's mangled, disembodied head hurtling through space saw the thing being built and sent a warning to the Alliance.