R42 (New York City Subway car) - Wikipedia
The R42 was a New York City Subway car model built by the St. Louis Car Company between 1969 and 1970 for the IND/BMT B Division. There were 400 cars in the R42 fleet, numbered …
R-42 (St. Louis Car) - nycsubway.org
R-42 car 4800 leads a J train inbound at Hewes Street on the BMT Jamaica Line. Photo by David Pirmann, August 2008. Coupling/Numbering Arrangement: All married pairs. The last of the R …
R42 (New York City Subway car) - Simple English Wikipedia, the …
R42 train car used for maintainence purposes running on the F line. The R42 was a train that was built between 1969 and 1970. There were 400 train cars in the fleet which were numbered …
R-42 Farewell Trip - New York Transit Museum
This Wednesday, February 12th, R-42 subway cars will make their final trip, ending more than 50 years of service in New York City. Please join us to say farewell to this historic fleet. The last …
Farewell, R42s. You Served New York City Well - Railway Age
The R42s, numbered 4550-4949, featured several firsts for a New York City subway car. They were the first fleet fully equipped with Stone Safety 10-ton air conditioning systems, which had …
When first introduced, the R-42 replaced the Standard and R-1 subway cars, many of which had been in service since the subway lines they ran on had first opened—in the case of the …
FAREWELL R-42 SUBWAY CARS - Forgotten New York
2020年2月10日 · On a recent visit to the NYC Transit Museum, I was sure to take a look at a pair of R-42 cars in its collection. The K train ended service in 1988; it was a local 8th Avenue …
Historic R-42 Subway Cars Make Final Run Along the A Line
2020年2月12日 · After 50 years of service, the R-42 retired on Wednesday — and its boss got a bit of a retirement party, too. "The final run of a 50-year-old relic — but enough about me," …
50-year-old R-42 subway cars are finally being retired - 6sqft
2020年2月12日 · The NYC subway rolls a little further into the 21st century today: The MTA is finally retiring its Nixon-era R-42 trains.
R42 (A) Train + R42 Retirement Ceremonial Run
On February 12th, 2020, the MTA and the New York Transit Museum ran the 1969 St. Louis Car Company R42 along the Subway line. The trip started from Euclid Ave to Far Rockaway, then …