R4-C - Rainbow Six Wiki
It is available for use by Ash and Ram. The R4-C is a fast firing assault rifle designed for close-to-mid range engagements, contrary to the quote above. Its high damage and high rate of fire make it highly lethal in close to medium range engagements.
Remington R4 - Wikipedia
The Remington R4 is a firearms platform based on the AR-15 / M16 / M4/M4A1 series designed and manufactured by Remington Arms. [5][6]
Remington R4-C For Sale $0.00, Review, Price - In Stock - Gun Critic
There are four main variants: the compact "C" with a 7-inch barrel, the 11.5-inch "E" entry carbine, the standard 14.5-inch carbine, and a 20-inch rifle version. A gas piston rifle developed from the R4 (which uses direct impingement just like the M16 / M4 series), the Remington R5 RGP, was also unveiled in 2012. How much is a Remington R4-C worth?
R4-C - R6S.skin
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
R4-C 突击步枪 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
雷明顿R4是雷明顿公司在2012年取得美国陆军合同后生产的M4A1突击步枪,但是由于柯尔特公司和雷明顿公司打官司,美军最后改为向FN公司订购步枪,之后雷明顿公司开始把R4系列步枪推向民用市场。 最初推出时R4有四种不同形型号,而游戏中的则是装备了7英吋 (177.8毫米)枪管的R4-C型短突击步枪 (C意为 C ompact)。 [1] R4系列的其他型号为: 游戏中的型号为R4-C,装备Magpul公司的MOE®握把和CTR®枪托,雷明顿公司的RAHG前护木,四边都有加装导轨。 …
Best R6 Siege Weapons - Meta Weapons Tier List - SkyCoach
2025年1月30日 · R4C (AR, Attacker - Ash) Damage: 39; Rate of fire: 860 RPM; R4C is a great assault rifle with a super high rate of fire, decent DMG and recoil. Best performed in medium range, and is a perfect choice for those who like to play aggressively. This gun is less effective in long-distance fights due to lack of magnifying scope. MK 14 EBR (DMR ...
All the recoil patters for every single weapon, and every ... - Reddit
R4C: I had been using the MB for a long time on this gun, now switching to FH definitely feels much better for longer bursts than before, while not compromising the burst accuracy. So I got a new favourite attachment for this gun :D
Remington R4-C - AmmoTerra
There are four main variants: the compact "C" with a 7-inch barrel, the 11.5-inch "E" entry carbine, the standard 14.5-inch carbine, and a 20-inch rifle version. A gas piston rifle developed from the R4 (which uses direct impingement just like the M16 / M4 series), the Remington R5 RGP, was also unveiled in 2012.
彩虹六号:围攻/武器装备现实考证 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科 …
MEU (SOC)手枪原为海军陆战队为陆战队远征队所定制的改型M1911手枪,而M45A1 CQBP为陆战队新招标装备Force Recon与MARSOC的制式手枪。 Zero的那一把固定搭配一个消音器,枪身为沙漠黄,握把为磨砂黑。 Nøkk使用的版本下机匣和握把为灰白色。 没有枪身右侧的金属挂钩。 Ace使用的版本枪身带有橘红色的永安夜港标志,握把为橄榄色。 PMM实际指马卡洛夫手枪改进型。 没有作为保险的小扳机,对于安装消音器来说,这个型号的GSH-18枪管太短了。 12发弹 …
G36C VS R4-C : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2016年3月18日 · The R4-C has the higher DPS and ROF, but the G36C has noticeably better recoil and is easier to pop headshots with. Also, should I equip a suppressor? Normally I hate suppressors, but since her play style is usually to flank it could be useful to stay silent while doing so. Thanks in advance for YOUR opinion. Archived post.