FEITIAN R502-CL Contactless Smart Card Reader | C10
The Feitian R502 - CL is the standard FEITIAN contactless smart card reader used in industries such as fianance, e-commerce, government, banking, digital signing, authentication, and network access control. Key Features: Firmware cannot be read out; Anti-reverse analysis; Short circuit protection; Over-current protection; Does not retain user ...
R502 Refrigerant: Navigating its Impact and Alternatives
With R502 being shown the door, what does it mean for systems that still use it? Well, they have to transition to alternatives. Sounds like a challenge, but it’s a necessary one for Mother Earth. With R502 out of the picture, what’s filling the void? …
R-502-30LB,,AIRGAS SPECIALTY PROD INC,r502, r-502 ... - Meier …
1995年12月31日 · R-502-30LB,,AIRGAS SPECIALTY PROD INC,r502, r-502, refrigerant, refrigerants freon,REFRIGERANT GAS R-502,Meier Supply Co., Inc. Select your location Loading. Search. Shopping Cart. Shop by Category. ... Sign in for Pricing. UOM : CYL QTY: Unable to Add Add to Quote. Have Questions? Click here to contact your local branch. Contact Us. 275 Broome ...
Refrigerant Reference Guide 5th Edition 2010 Technical Guidelines THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF R-502 Temp [˚F]-60-55-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5
- [PDF]
R502 - agas.com
R502 CFC 111.6-49.5 582.8 177.3 35.5 77 Temp °F R502 psig 0.388-40 4.1 74.2-35 6.5 0.2958-30 9.2 0.1641-25 12.1 0.23-20 15.3 4657-15 18.8 A1-10 22.6-5 26.7 0 31.1 5 35.9 10 41 15 46.5 20 52.4 25 58.8 30 65.6 35 72.8 40 80.5 45 88.7 50 97.4 55 107 60 116 65 127 70 138 75 149 80 161 85 174 90 187 95 201 100 216 105 232 110 248 115 265 120 283 125 301 130 321 135 341 140 363 This information is ...
R502 - National Refrigerants, Inc.
Before its phaseout in 1995, it was used in low temperature refrigeration (the evaporator pressure stays out of vacuum down to -40°F). R-502 offered lower discharge temperature and improved capacity compared to R-22.
When there is no finger touch, the default touch sensing signal outputs high level; When a finger touches, the default touch sensing signal outputs low level. After detecting the touch sensing …
r502制冷剂参数性能和r507有哪些不同? - CRR中冷
1、r502制冷剂是一种冷冻容量高、制冷速度快等优异制冷性能的低温制冷工质; 2、r502制冷剂主要用于冰箱和低温冷冻压缩机等等低温工况的制冷剂; 3、r502制冷剂是一种混合制冷剂,他是由r125制冷剂和r143制冷剂按照比例混合而成。
r502制冷剂_创弗化工 - cfreon.cn
2023年6月15日 · 氟制冷剂 (R502)是一种低温制冷工质,具有冷冻容量高、致冷速度快的优异制冷性能。 主要用途:可作为食品陈列、食品贮藏、制冷、冰淇淋、冰箱、低温冰箱以及低温冷冻压缩机用制冷剂。 相信大家都有听说过空调制冷剂,不同的空调使用的制冷剂会有区别,那么常用的制冷剂种类有哪些呢,不同的空调制冷剂又有什么区别呢? 下面广州中冷跟大家简单介绍一下。 空调制冷剂是一种在制冷装置中进行制冷循环的工作物质,它通过在蒸发器内吸收被冷却物质的热 …
The following table shows the data for R502 and alternative refrigerants. ODP: ozone depletion potential GWP: global warming potential according to EN 378:2017; AR4: Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, AR5: Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, AR6: Sixth Assessment Report of …