奔腾3时期的索尼VAIO笔记本——VAIO PCG-R505AGT展示!
大家好!我是新人nthxsz,很荣幸能来到这个论坛和各位一起交流古董电子产品,这次我给大家介绍的是索尼在2001年推出的vaio r505轻便型笔记本系列之——pcg-r505agt。 关于vaio
SONY 高配R505详细拆机----那个时代和T23同样的经典
2005年1月8日 · 使用过两款R505 TLK和现在这个EL 第一个配置 Celeron 650MHZ 320MB内存 5400转40G 跑2000正好,XP比较慢,音箱经常破音(因为有面那个喇叭大小其实和左边的不一样),热风经常呼呼的,噪音很大。
索尼R505本本不服老 看网友2年切身体验 - 新浪科技
2005年7月22日 · 机器主色是紫灰,顶盖上有凹进去的VAIO的LOGO,靠近顶盖钩的部分是银色嵌进机体的SONY标识,给人一种简单美,不知是为了让机器表面不太单调还是为了顶盖钩做的特别设计 在机器靠前一部分有一条区域是被特别区分开了的。 顶盖采用的是铝镁合金,做工相当的好,用力压下去屏幕也不会有水波纹出现,而液晶正面则采用了黑色的工程塑料,并没有进行特殊处理,但是也能明显的感觉到坚固,在液晶正面右上角有一条小小的紫色的VAIO,而右下方则 …
File : SADC road sign R505.svg - Wikimedia
English: Parking is permitted within the days and hours specified, with a 30 minute limit. This image is derived from the SADC-RTSM, a convention of the Southern African Development Community designed to provide uniform traffic control devices throughout member countries.
Teac R-505 | hifi-wiki.com
2019年9月11日 · Microphone: 0.35 mV / -87dB / 600 ohms or more (6.35 mm jack). Synchronisation fluctuation: 0.05% (WRMS).
The Fire Department adopts a rule, 3 RCNY §505-01, entitled “Apartment and Guest Room Identification and Directional Markings and Signs,” to set forth standards and requirements for the design and placement of entrance door room number markings for dwelling units (apartments, guest rooms and sleeping rooms) in Group R-1 and Group R-2 buildings a...
rOtring Tikky 機械鉛筆鉛 0.5 公釐 HB, 12 鉛 (R505 508 HB)
Featuring a triangular barrel and Softtouch rubberized grip, this lightweight mechanical pencil provides exceptional comfort as you write. A specially designed brass mechanism allows for precision lead advancement and prevents lead breakage, so every line you make is sharp and clear. Hi-polymer leads are durable, flexible and easy to erase.
- 4.6/5(1)
REL Acoustics R-505 For Sale - Audiogon
2024年10月28日 · REL Acoustics R-505 Subwoofers for sale. REL R-505 Subwoofer Unit sounds great! Please see the pictures, it is used but still looks terrific, There...
R505.3.3.2 - ICC Digital Codes
Sign In R505.3.3.2 Joist bottom flange bracing/blocking. Floor joists with spans that exceed 12 feet (3658 mm) shall have the bottom flanges laterally braced in accordance with one of the following:
Photo 6x4 Village sign west of Doon (Dún Bleisce) on the R505
2023年4月25日 · Photograph Notes Condition: New.
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