SDU - Rainbow Six Wiki
The Special Duties Unit (Abbreviation: SDU; Chinese: 特別任務連, nicknamed Flying Tigers 飛虎隊) is Hong Kong's main elite paramilitary special operations unit. The SDU is a subdivision of the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) of the Hong Kong Police Force.
Ying | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Learn more about S.D.U operator YING in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege. Profile, Stats, Gadgets and more…
Ying - R6 Siege Operator Guide || R6SiegeCenter.com
Circumstantial & inconsistent, yet extremely powerful in the right situation and hands of a skilled player, Ying R6 Siege operator is a complex attacker specialized in blinding defenders. Born in the comfortable Central district of Hong Kong, Siu Mei Lin was a close protection operative before joining the Special Duties Unit (SDU).
SDU Operators - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Guide - IGN
2017年11月7日 · The Special Duties Unit (Abbreviation: SDU; Chinese: 特別任務連, nicknamed Flying Tigers 飛虎隊) is Hong Kong's main elite paramilitary special operations unit. The SDU is a subdivision of the Police...
香港警务处 警察 机动部队 特别任务连(Special Duties Unit,简称为SDU),绰号“飞虎队”,是隶属于香港警务处行动部警察机动部队总部的一支 高水准 特警队。 作为一支同时兼顾 反恐特种部队 功能和性质的特警队,飞虎队的主要职责为反恐、处理高危险性的罪案、解救人质、 要员保护 、侦测搜索、 抢险救灾 等,还可执行水底、水面及空中的特种任务。 [1]飞虎队在全世界特警队中赫赫有名,也是世界顶级特警队之一。 1971年3月13日,有一架 菲律宾 航空公司客机被凶徒劫 …
Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (US)
Specialist Jordan “Thermite” Trace and his squad are some of the most resilient individuals, having been evaluated as the most likely to survive dangerous missions through their strength, unquestioning natures, and trust in each other.
Lesion - R6 Operator Guide - Rainbow Six Siege Center
A detailed guide to Lesion - R6 Siege operator. You will find here the information on Lesion playstyle, utility, loadout, and more!
Rainbow Six Siege operator guide: Ying
2024年7月1日 · Ying is a Chinese operator who was released in Rainbow Six Siege with Operation Blood Orchid. The attacker is arguably in her golden era as everyone is afraid of her Candelas, including professional players. Here's everything you need to know about Ying!
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Rainbow Six Siege Dictionary: Meanings of R6S Abbreviations and…
To help you learn the lingo for Rainbow Six Siege, we have created a detailed dictionary of all the callouts, abbreviations, and terms you need to know.