Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General Discussions - Steam …
2020年3月30日 · Hey everyone. The dev team has been looking further into smurfing in general. We have been taking feedback and experiences from community members about smurfs to get a better understanding of motives to smurf and smurf behavior. I understand it is frustrating to be put up against someone who is seemingly new but performs at a much higher skill.
Smurfs... :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General Discussions
2020年6月11日 · I could be considered an ex-smurf, but don't consider myself one. I put in almost 1.5k hours into r6s on xbox, then switched to pc. I had put a ♥♥♥♥ ton of hours into aim trainers to get to a level I felt comfortable with in terms of mechanical skill.
ban for smurf accounts :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General ...
2020年2月4日 · old r6 players thinking smurf isnt legal if they are killed 200+ level bullying score or stats classical r6 smurf player they are only toxic this is big reason for ban i said some smurf accounts r cheating
Can you be banned for smurfing? :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six …
2019年11月20日 · Cuz Smurf accounts are annoying and they're toxic also most of them are using cheats from what I've seen and cuz I'm a 127 and all of them that I've ran into have been using cheats but that doesn't mean you do also not saying you should be banned either Then if the system is good to ban cheaters and toxic players, it isnt a problem.
smurfing... :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General Discussions
2019年11月17日 · If Gold and plat players smurf in casual because casual against other golds or plats is too sweaty then imagin how copper and bronze feel about playing against gold an plat in casual. The only way I win in casual on my smurf is when I shift W around the entire map and out aim people, the same way I play it in ranked.
Ranked is Full of Smurfs :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General ...
2020年10月2日 · Just making this thread to comment on how Ranked has become a playground of whichever team has the better smurf. It's not about skill anymore and it's just not fun. I will have games with a team of 100+ level true silvers while the enemy team has 2 or 3 level 50-75 smurfs. How is this proper matchmaking? Fix your system.
2 Accounts // Uplay AND Steam? - Steam Community
2018年8月10日 · Hi All! So I want to create a new account (buy the game again) (smurf i know..) to level up together with my friends and be on a somewhat similar level. I have bought the game through Steam and have been playing for a while (lv.140 i think). Now of course I can't buy it again through steam, but I CAN buy it through Uplay. Question: Will I confuse the system by buying it through Uplay? I want ...
Smurf Account :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General …
Right now I am on my second account for steam (I know it doesn't really make sense) and I wanted to make a smurf account for rainbow six siege. I already have the game on my first/main account on steam and on the uplay account. If I buy the game on my second steam account will it just connect to the uplay account? because I wanted to make two different accounts one to play with friends since ...
Smurfs :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General Discussions
2020年11月8日 · Smurfs have mainly been used as a way to exploit the MMR system, lately you've seen an increase due to the MMR limitation in parties. One such example is to use an unranked account to lower the average MMR of the party. Or quit on your smurf if you see an unfavorable matchup on R6 tracker, thereby saving your party a loss.
smurf accounts :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General …
2017年3月30日 · i made another uplay account and bot rainbow 6 can i use same steam account but log into the new uplay account thanks