佳能R6与索尼a7m4如何选择? - 知乎
索尼 (Sony) 佳能R6与索尼a7m4如何选择? ... R6有Clog3,宽容度不及索尼,H265.编码对电脑性能也要求更高。另外,A7M4拍S-log有双原生ISO,分别是800和3200,高感下噪点更少。R6没有原生ISO,采用的是microHDMI接口(A7M4是全尺寸HDMI)。 ...
人像肤色差异这么大?佳能EOS R6 VS索尼A7M3人像评测 - 知乎
正文开始前,我想先抛出一个“悬念”:下面两张照片哪张是由索尼A7M3拍摄的?哪张是由佳能EOS R6拍摄的?记好你心中的答案,然后我们往下看。 为什么选这两台机器? 其实选这两台机器主要是因为最近询问我这两台…
全画幅基准对决 EOS R6 vs A7M3谁是性价比之王 - 什么值得买
2020年9月4日 · 佳能eos r6的人眼可以直接自动识别,并且连续识别的能力很优秀。在视频模式下,索尼a7 iii没有针对人眼识别的设计,佳能eos r6的人眼识别能力非常强悍,当头发遮挡眼部的时候还能够连续识别,这一点非常强悍。
購買請益!Canon R6II VS. Sony A74若是拍婚禮,選哪一台比較 …
2023年2月27日 · 不知道大家會怎樣挑選相機呢?是買一台新的R6 Mark II然後把他當主機,R6當備機,還是買另一台Sony A74一機一鏡比較好?朋友圈是蠻多人拍婚禮都用SONY的,一直被勸敗。 麻煩大家給點建議,好的壞的都可以,給我參考
Canon R6 Mark II vs. Sony A7 IV |中階全幅的正面對決!
2022年12月22日 · 在 Canon 推出 R6 Mark II 之後,我想 Sony A7 IV 也總算迎來一位旗鼓相當的對手,雙機的發表時間大概差了一年左右,當然一年對影像技術的發展有沒有影響?答案肯定是有的!而全幅無反市佔最高的 Canon 與 Sony 自然也是消費者在購機時會優先考量的品牌...(可換鏡頭數位相機綜合 第1頁)
Canon EOS R6 vs Sony A7 III - The 10 Main Differences and Full ...
2020年7月12日 · One of them, the EOS R6, challenges the likes of the Sony A7 III, Nikon Z6 II and Panasonic S5 in the prosumer segment. It’s difficult not to compare this new camera to the A7 III given its popularity. Despite the age and price difference, the EOS R6 is a direct competitor for the E-mount camera and its future successor. So let’s see what ...
Canon EOS R6 vs Sony a7 III (Which is Better in 2025?)
2022年8月27日 · However, the Canon EOS R6 surpasses the Sony a7 III in certain aspects, making it the superior choice for videography. The Canon EOS R6’s most significant advantage is its higher max video frame rate of 120fps, compared to the Sony a7 III’s 30fps. This allows for smoother slow-motion footage and greater flexibility in post-production.
Sony a7 IV vs Canon EOS R6: Which is the best enthusiast …
2021年12月15日 · Sony's a7 IV is the company's latest enthusiast-targeted full-frame mirrorless camera. Its price and spec put it directly into competition with Canon's hugely likeable EOS R6. The improvements to the Sony mean that both promise powerful combinations of image quality, autofocus and video capabilities. But which is the better camera?
Canon EOS R6 vs Sony α7 IV Side-by-Side Camera Comparison
The Sony α7 IV and the Canon EOS R6 are both excellent full-frame hybrid cameras aimed at enthusiasts. They're similar in size and build, though the Canon has slightly better ergonomics. Both deliver sharp, high-quality photos, but the Sony has a higher resolution sensor that gives you more leeway to crop your photos. On the other hand, the Canon's sensor has better noise handling at higher ...
Canon R6 II vs Sony A7 IV In Depth Comparison - PXLMAG.com
The Canon R6 II features outer measurements of 138mm x 98mm x 88mm (5.4" x 3.9" x 3.5") accompanied by a weight of 680 grams (1.50 lbs) and the Sony A7 IV has sizing of 129mm x 97mm x 81mm (5.1" x 3.8" x 3.2") along with a weight of 699 grams (1.54 lbs). Look at the Canon R6 II and Sony A7 IV in the all new Camera and Lens Size Comparison Tool.
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