Roadmap | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (US)
2025年2月16日 · New in-game tournament feature to offer an additional highly competitive experience. The BETA testing phase will be accessible on PC in the NA and EU regions during Y9S3, with the full release planned for Y9S4. New option to access the Shooting Range while waiting for a match or a Siege Cup.
Y9S1 Designer's Notes - Ubisoft
In this latest edition of Designer's Notes, we'll go into detail about the balancing changes that'll come with the Y9S1 Test Server and give you some insight into the reasons behind them.
Y9S1.0 设计师笔记 | 《彩虹六号:围攻》 - 哔哩哔哩
LMG-E 武器后坐力 PC及主机 减少了首发后坐力。 减少垂直后坐力。 在持续的点射时,后坐力将保持稳定。 受影响的干员 Ram Zofia LMG-E 的后坐力是 R6 中最难控制的后坐力之一,尤其是当玩家试图在不释放扳机的情况下清空弹匣时。
Y9S1更新补丁 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's …
阅读下方的Y9S1补丁说明以获取完整信息。 本赛季,我们为Montagne,Blitz,以及所有以防弹护盾为主要武器的干员带来了更新。 我们移除了腰射,新增了持盾冲刺的能力。 这些干员将可以使用防弹护盾瞬间突破满血封阻物。 同时我们还为防弹护盾增加了新的动画,这些动画能够展现触发装置、武器换弹和投掷设备等操作细节。 持有防弹护盾的干员在被射击时,移动速度会降低,视野也会改变,这些效果将会在压制他们的火力结束时才会消失。 通过自由观察机制,玩家可以 …
Rainbow Six Siege: Year 9 Overview - YouTube
Year 9 of Rainbow Six Siege is here, bringing with it balance and gameplay system changes that reinforce Siege's unique tactical gameplay. This year will als...
Operation Deadly Omen | Rainbow Six Siege | Ubisoft (US)
Turbulent times surround Rainbow Six Siege, heralding the arrival of Operation Deadly Omen. Added to the roster this season is the infamous Deimos, one of the original pillars of Rainbow Six and now one of its most ardent detractors. Hailing from the United States of America, this operator brings his dreaded DeathMARK Tracker to the fold.
R6 Y9 roadmap: What do we know about future plans? - Radio Times
With Season 1 – Operation Deadly Omen – released in March 2024, let's look ahead to everything else we know about the plans for Year 9 of Rainbow Six Siege. Ubisoft has confirmed that all of these...
Everything In R6 Siege Y9S3 — New Operator, Balance Updates, …
2024年9月9日 · Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Season 3 is coming on September 10, 2024. It will bring a new operator as well as a new competitive way to play and training upgrades. Here are the most impactful changes...
Rainbow Six Siege Year 9 Roadmap revealed - Esports.gg
2024年2月25日 · Featuring a number of new features, crossplay options, and anti-cheat measures, the R6 Year 9 roadmap is the biggest update yet to the game. Seasons are divided into four parts with several new features in each. The Year 9 roadmap starts in March, just after the Six Invitational's conclusion.
Rainbow Six Siege Y9S1: Release Date Window, New Operator and ...
2024年2月27日 · Ubisoft has officially revealed that Y9S1 will be called Operation Deadly Omen. This season will see a brand new villain Operator, Deimos, added, alongside new attachment upgrades, player protection improvements and a new inventory management menu.